
Helter Skelter in the Iowa summer swelter.

Ground Control to Major Tomboy.

Dr. Whovian! We need 12 CCs of #downvote! Stat!

I'm sad to say that Miss Cleo was last seen having her psychic energies being siphoned out by the energy-draining tendrils of Theresa Caputo's voluminous helmet hair. Bereft of these psychic energies, Miss Cleo became a withered husk.

Oh, Idris Elba.
If you'll be my Annabel Lee.
I'll shut you up in a sepulchre.
In this kingdom by the sea.
And the angel Oprah, not half so happy in heaven, would covet our forbidden tryst.
In this kingdom by the sea.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some of cock,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—

Cool story, internet.

This is the best news I've heard all day.

And true to real life, Michigan is an extremely depressing album.

And get into my car.

Lying Cat approves of this film.

Baduizm is neo-soul in its finest flower.

"Mote" - Sonic Youth
"Housequake" - Prince
"Other Side of the Game" - Erykah Badu
"Lights & Music" - Cut Copy
"Fate of the Human Carbine" - Cat Power
"Rome" - Susanne Sundfør
"Northern Lad" - Tori Amos
"Jam of the Zombies" - The Warlocks
"The Charade" - D'Angelo and the Vanguard
"Vacation" - Beach Fossils
"Inner City Blues

Oh dear lord. Why would anyone have sex in a public gym shower?

Boy, let me tell you, after googling "furniture porn" my Victorian sensibilities fainted dead away.

It kinda sounds like IMO "those chubby weirdos" you profess your undying love to have more of an issue with one's own body/self esteem than anything having to deal with "gayness."

The Cosby update rubs the lotion on the skin or it gets the Scott Stapp homeless update again.

Yeah! If Kristin Stewart can make a successful career of making blank stares then why not Zoidberg?

Why would I need to get stuff off my chest when I got stuff on my chest!

William S. Burroughs fetish site: nakedlunch .net