
I tawt I taw a pun thread!

*goes to circus casino, molests the patrons*

Adrenochrome History with Hunter S. Thompson

That Grimm monster pic of the week is horrifying. But for all the wrong reasons.

I, too, was tied up last night.

Don't forget to include the snaps in Z formation.

I've always questioned the historicity of Marco Polo's chronicle of his journey to China. Actually, I think calling it a chronicle would be a bit too lenient. It reads more like an epic prose where he borrowed from witness accounts and hearsay. It's not like China was completely closed off from the world, as Polo

Fully knowing that I have diminishing supplies of Green Chartreuse and Luxardo Maraschino liqueurs, I've decided that tonight I'm going to treat myself with a classic cocktail rather than let them go to waste. This particular cocktail is better known as The Last Word and they've been making 'em since at least the

Ah Black Foliage, that immense labyrinthine, sprawling album of intense psychedelic beauty. A modern teenage symphony to god. Tis an album I could listen to on an endless loop and yet find something new on each listen. A masterpiece.

It's a shame that much of Will Cullen Hart's artistic output has been limited by his multiple sclerosis. He has such an immensely talented artistic output that to see it constrained somewhat— it tears at my heart. I will always appreciate the work he has done for The Olivia Tremor Control and Circulatory System, the

Strike, dear mistress.

"Post Mortem, Post Boredom" - Darker My Love
"While You Were Sleeping" - Elvis Perkins
"This Here Giraffe" - The Flaming Lips
"Helplessness Blues" - Fleet Foxes
"I Can Feel Love" - FM Belfast
"Crush The Liberation" - The Juan MacLean
"Venus in Furs" - The Velvet Underground
"Romulus" - Sufjan Stevens
"In Dreams I Dance With

Sieur Louis de Conte

The Armenian Carpet That Matches The Drapes

And Newman would be the milk that lubricates everything.

These pretzels….are making me thirsty for better Great Job, Internets!

If the Newman don't fit, you must acquit.

What if Seinfeld was Cereal?

And while we're at it, they can start building my Metron hoverchair.