Stephen Strother

A baseball player’s peak is usually around age 28. Power tends to increase with age. Trout’s a big guy, but he doesn’t have the huge body that tends to break down and become a major liability defensively and on the basepaths after age 30.

The true baseball heroes like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio only have a WAR of 1, because the only WAR true baseball fans care about is World War II. Let me know when Mike Trout kills a Nazi.

Pet peeve time: people commenting that the article wasn’t written specifically by and for them.

It’s probably LaVar Ball you idiot

Brewers is a fucking awesome team name on every level. They play in Miller Park, in a city known for breweries, located in a state known for alcoholism. The only way they could improve the name is if they changed their name to the Milwaukee .08ers. The dumbest name in sports is definitely the Montreal Canadiens. It’s

Brewers is a FANTASTIC name. The team is named after BEER MAKERS for crissakes. It’s infinity times better than a generic animal or an abstract concept.

Probably it’s not fair to pick on you for a take that I’ve seen written down here in the comments like 500 times in these playoffs, but, I fucking hate this take. You really can’t conceive of any reason to want your team to advance in the playoffs other than a clear likelihood that they’ll be the one team in the

Olynyk still nailed almost everything he threw up

Zuzu’s Petals

It’s way cheaper/easier to license Spanish broadcasts. They also stay up longer if linked through.

How is it not a dirty play? It’s the “Bruce Bowen”. They have made rules specifically to target this type of dirty play.

Take your “offense” and shove it up your dickhole.

Just a reminder: The Electoral College is not a person (not even one!). Second reminder: More than half of Americans did not vote Trump into office. Final reminder: Bad habits of people you associate with can rub off on you. Check the lying and revisionist history. Not a good look for your boy or you. Cheers!

I’m a die hard Celtics fan for 35 years, and I actually want to get a poster of that Wall shot going through the hoop with this Simmons tweet overlaid on it.

I, for one, am just glad we still have the CIA to defend our interests in democratic institutions and ideals at home and abroad.

Does any state have a worse congressional delegation than Iowa? King is a white supremacist. Grassley can singlehandedly derail any conversation on sentencing reform or relaxing the drug war. This Blum fellow is obviously terrible. I don’t know anything about Ernst other than the cutting off pig balls thing. Unless

Counter-point: What else is Toronto going to do with the money? They have a hard time attracting free agents and Lowry (even though it’s just been five years) has been one of the best players in the history of the franchise.