
@revender: Heh, well that's a fine line. Legally, he is considered an adult, but technically, he's still a teenager because his age has ends with "*teen".

@duckmouth: "Get 'Er Done" is a comic bit from the well known red neck comic Jeff Foxworthy.

Ya, for me, $2 is the difference between Aurora Feint and Puzzle Quest.

It's a shame that this isn't a new and improved AC. I loved both the GC and DS version, but it looks like I'll be sitting out on the Wii version. If it really is more of the same with marginal differences, I'm just not interested.

FUCKIN' SWEET! Can't wait to DL that one. I played AF twice through and loved every minute of it. I would happily fork over 10 for a new version of AF.

@Thassodar: Cheers to that. But then they would expect money from his paycheck every week so he could never actually start doing something like that without repercussions. :P

Jeez that's depressing. Right when I'm really feeling the sting of this "recession" I hear about 150 mill bonuses.

Heh. You should keep it somewhere safe. Then if the worst happens to your 3G, you would have a backup iPhone. That's what I did.

@GhitaEspizzo: I appreciate how truly tasteless that comment is.

Couldn't find this in game even when I searched for all levels created by this user it only came up with 3 levels. A tetris level, a DDR level, and another "graidius-esque" style level. WTF? I really wanted to play it first hand.

That image is disturbing.

I download apps for my iPhone compulsively. I have more Apps than my phone will allow me to install. (Maximum 9 desktop pages worth.) Granted, they are not all games, but close to half of them are. Sadly, there is a TON of crappy games. But the fun ones that I have found make me leave my DS at home.

@invictus2006: OK, XPlane is not a game. It's a flight sim. SOOOOOOO Boring! There are numerous games that are infinitely more entertaining than XPlane. Here's 3 that totally rock: Field Runners, Aurora Feint, and Aqua Forrest.

@Hunter5024: This really shouldn't trouble you Hunter5024. This is how games have been designed for many years. It takes teams of people to create a game. A few people in concept, a few people in art, a few people in design, another person in audio. You have to give this guy all the credit he deserves for making this

Sweet indeed. I like how some of the non-believers are going out to buy a copy of LBP ASAP!

@TRT-X: Ya, software developers may know that all to well. But it's usually marketing that ends up pulling something like that.

@InfernoT: Heck, I don't just think about it. I exclaim it to the world!

I'm not saying one way or the other, but I just feel the need to say that it could actually be possible for BC to hate on Guitar Hero World Tour and still enjoy getting paid.

Wow! I really wish we could see games like this released in America. It just shows how "intelligent" their marketing department is and how "open minded" their demographic is.

@fragilenin: Ya, that's pretty much what I was thinking. Stuff for your "Playstation Home" space would pretty sweet.