
@ThursdayNext: That's pretty true. The guys in marketing don't give two shits if the game is ready to ship or not. This is particularly true when it comes to franchises that are based on an upcoming movie. The only thing that matters the 90% of the publisher is hitting the release date and adding those numbers in for

So the zombies only cosmetically changed until RE4. Wow. That was a really lame video comparison.

Wow, that really is as sad as we all think.

I gave up on trying to be a PC gamer over a year ago. When I realized there is really only 1 PC game I give a rats ass about, which is Starcraft 2, I said screw MS and bought a mac. And since I have a 360, PS3, Wii, PSP, DS, and iPhone, I have very little reason to play anything on a PC since 99 percent of all games

@Talryyn: Bravo! I really like the idea of using LBP as an educational tool. That really got my gears moving. I'm gonna look into making something for my daughter. (When shes a bit older.)

ToD was really cool, but I would have to argue that Mario Typing was a better tool to learn typing with. Why Nintendo hasn't release Mario Typing for the Wii is beyond my comprehension.

Ugh! This has Activisions money grubbing stink all over it!

Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2

Ok, so if they really did take out the photography elements of this game, then it's COMPLETELY hopeless. That was 1/3 of the game play. It was 1/3 Photos, 1/3 Zombie Killing, and 1/3 rescuing survivors. So what are we left with now that there is negligible zombie killing and no photography? 1/3 of a game where you run

@AprilNarbie: Haha. That's funny. As if Wii owners get the luxury of achievements.

@Swift_: "Improvements on the save system..."?

So this is going to be a down loadable expansion pack add-on? SWEET!

It was $160 for a used copy of Steel Battalion for Xbox.

@Llost: DustySword, I hear you when you say "it's kinda limited in the 3D adventuring side", but I just have to chime in and say, once again like everyone else who has played the beta, this is something you need to check out before you can put it on the back burner and say it's not for you.

@Sutekh: I'm 29 and I've been playing the beta. I was in the same boat as you were, but as soon as I got my hands on the game and ran through some of the level editing tutorials, I was blown away. This is not an ordinary platformer.

Fire? Giraffes? Crabs?

@Grumpz®: So, that wasn't a "report". It was a letter from Doug Lowenstein to Kotaku. (And I wouldn't be suprised if were sent to many other Game Reviewers/Reporters.)

Pshh, I bounce my car off the freeway divider daily to get around those slow A-Holes in the carpool lane! Works like a charm. I don't know why a professional NASCAR driver can't handle it.

@Akmed: Not something that hasn't been done before, but I'm glad to see it make it's way here.