
@FearfulInsomniac: Well, God of War only "uprezzed" their textures on the re-release of the GoW collection. I don't see any reason Perfect Dark should do anything different. Besides, that would mean countless more hours of work to make more polys on the characters/levels. Most likely at the expense of the framerate.

@Bursar: Because it was exceptionally polished. This title is so full of great game design it hurts my heart to think about all the people who didn't play it.

I have to admit, I love me some AC. But stories that are more complex than previous titles? Gimme a break. I couldn't keep up with the stories from the get go. However, more robust and dramatic stages I would like to see. The missions for these games have always been so boring. Heck, the missions are less than half of

Sweet. I can't say that I "love" Scribblenauts. But it most certainly has it's fun factor and creative elements.

@Masonvrocks: A million copies is alot of anything to sell. Install base has nothing to do with success.

@Gyaruson: Black hole doesn't work for every situation. However, it does work in ALMOST every situation where you need to kill things.

I'm pretty sure that "The Observer" has something to do with all the strange events that happen on the island. If you watch closely, you will see him present with "The Others" in season 2. Also, I've seen him working in the excavation sites shown in season 5. And I'm pretty sure Jack Bower was trying to stop that bomb

@Nexus6: The "Being" who can shape shift is also known as "Jacobs Enemy" who swore a vow that he would find a way to kill Jacob.

@Kanik: Actually, the hatch didn't require dynamite to open, that was just one way in. There is a airlock entrance on the ground level of the hatch. What boggles me is why Locke spent so many days excavating the hatch when there was obviously a nearby backdoor entrance to be found.

Heh. That's a pretty cool comparison. It is interesting how true to life the game is. Of course, it's pretty obvious which is the game and which is real life. But the physics of the the way the car handles seems spot on. Of course, a video like this would be tailored towards convincing us of that.

@YuniYoshi: Negative Altima. If it did, you'd have millions of pissed off businessmen with F-d up PCs. An Xbox is not much different than a laptop.

@Piccoroz: Ya, something would be better than nothing. I'll admit that I love gaming on my iPhone, but any fast paced or twitch game play is just no fun to play on the iPhone. Even super monkey ball is tough to play, but that's mostly due to glare as you tilt the screen around.

"if it weren't for the complicated preparation involved with creating said tacos - cutting vegetables, browning meat, adding in that little packet of powder, and ultimately getting frustrated by broken shells,"

Awesome! Way to go ESRB!

@DemanRisu: Otherwise known as "Zero Accuracy mode".

Hey Crecente,

Looks sweet! And who doesn't love Animal?