
It's definitely fun. Clean presentation and cool music too. (That's pretty much par for the course for these guys.) Way to go PixelJunk! You guys rock!

I wonder how the GameCube version of Ikaruga faired. That game is a classic but now that it's on Xbox Live Arcade, I'm sure it's pretty worthless.

@Dnyde: I'd have to agree with that. But I think you meant $20 in securing material is < the value of a life. ;)

Umm, ya well, accidents happen. A child could just as easily fall down two steps, land the wrong way, and snap his neck. Or take an eye out by falling perfectly on the corner of the coffee table.

Sweet. Now I wish I had free time to craft my own 8-bit ornaments. That looks like he used those little rubber tube pieces to make n' bake the ornaments. How fun.

@develin: Undoubtedly. However, I have to admit I did enjoy the "Nail the trick" feature in Project 8. But that was too little too late to really save the franchise.

Well, what did everyone expect when Neversoft stopped developing the franchise?

That's fricken AWESOME! Sort of reminds me of how I handle my wife. I don't understand a word that's coming out of her mouth, but I smack her around anyways just to keep her in line and let her know who's boss. Works good with the kids too. "Five across the eyes" is one of my faves.

Kinda cool but I'd like to see a bit more of what the controller is actually doing. That was just a weird edit of a bunch of visuals that could have been controlled by anything. Not that I don't believe that the SB controller was being used, it just didn't show off any of the actual tech that was going on. Sans a

@ThisCharmingMan: LoL. I did the same thing. Also had "DESTROY!" from the Dark Archons when I emptied my trash and the pointer for my mouse was the same one from in-game among other SC themed desktop fun-ness. #starcraft

@Chalkdust: Likely you wouldn't be so presumptuous if he didn't have the look of a retarded bovine on his face. What an awful screen shot. #princeofpersiamovie

@DocSeuss: Ya, and what qualified for a PG-13 movie when I was 13 and under meant there was NO nudity and NO curse words but could have mild violence and sexual references. Nowadays, you can find plenty of nudity and curse words in a PG-13 movie. Of course, not every movie, but plenty of them. I guess that's sort of

@EB-Hawk: "Dont buy M-rated games for your kids."

So it sounds more like an RPG fighting game of sorts. #fightinggames

@MichaelPalin: Well, as an industry professional, I understand the idea that people are actually making a living off of these games. The people who work on these games put a lot of time and effort into them and still have to live along the way. Consumers aren't the only people who have bills to pay and families to

Wow. I love iPhone games and I don't own a single one of those. Granted, I do own another skiball game called "BoardBowl"and "Tris" which was the first Tetris game to grace the iPhone prior to EA coming in and saying that "Tris" can no longer be downloaded for FREE in the app store since they wanted to start charging

How sad is that?