the Polish Rifle

back in the day he provided a valuable and necessary counterweight to dumbasses like Mike North and Dan McNeil. in an era where the strongest meatball voice remaining on the Score is that whey-faced little shit Spiegel, Dan is getting very old very quickly.

{slowly raises hand, hating himself the whole time}

"Is there video?"

@darrenrovell Thanks @UniversalEnt for sending me #UnbrokenMovie! But soldiers during WWII have almost no market value. Most of us watch for country on the front of uni.

"You know, just once in this lifetime, I would like my favorite team to acquire a legendary skill position player who does NOT turn out to be a complete fucking shithead."

Racist? Come on, Samer. This dog doesn't even see color.

My hatred for Peter King runs so deep that I will reflexively disagree with ANY opinion he shares. It's actually kind of a problem, because it means I start to dislike beers and restaurants that I previously enjoyed.

Judd Nelson hasn't been that upset since that day in the library with Molly Ringwald.

Stick to the incessant Doooooooooook water-carrying and get the fuck out of this comment section.

Technically, we're all travelling in to the future. At a constant rate of one second per second.

Oh, men. Re: would-be sperm guy; did it occur to you that she may not want your broke-ass sperm, that she may have a different medical reason for in vitro besides being single, that she stopped trying for a reason, that she doesn't want to know the donor, or that she already has plenty of better offers? No. No you

I'm just gonna put this out there and say that sex doesn't always trump masturbation. There are times and places for both, man.

It feels like Bill's PR team schedules one of these "Bill's working for The Man, but it's chafing his creative soul" pieces about every six months. I don't think he has any intention of leaving the WWL. He's tedious, but not stupid. Without ESPN, he'd disappear in two weeks.

Isn't it possible that he merely forgot that he had committed to signing with Browns?

Confusing list. I expected him to use bullets.

Every year or two, one team decides that its window is as open as it's ever going to be, and makes the short-term deals with veterans that it believes will put it over the top.

When you're here, you're str8fam!


I agree that it's really tough for Teravainen to replicate what Kane does, especially since he doesn't turn 21 until September.

I, for one, welcome our new Guzan overlord.

Come on, Molly.