

Good for the cameraman. I heard Bel Air is nice this time of year.

“Terez Owens could play a little himself back in the day.”

Cholula FTW

The only way that Dellie could possibly increase his scrappitude is to switch teams and play for Boston

Sorry, but Pop is a goddamned national treasure. Nic Cage found a map to his house on the back of the Declaration of Independence.

When I was paging through the raw ATC audio earlier today before any of the write ups got live, I initially thought she was the FO - and not because she was a woman.

Are you trying to learn English while trolling here?


Here’s what playoff hockey in Montreal and Detroit looks like:

Yea, the Round 1 pre-game into looks neat and all, but look what they have planned for the Stanley Cup finals…

No, he’s saying Ingram left his wallet in El Segundo and had to go back to pick it up.

“Oh, you gotta track a raccoon every chance you get. Those varmints will lead you right to the best trashbins in town. Now, if you see more than one, you might think you should trail the fattest, but those are just lazy. Real limited range. The lean ones? Now they get around. You wouldn’t believe what you’ll come

Let’s not forget the Miami Marlins forming a pitching staff of nothing but professional bowlers.

This is a fucking phenomenal question, and I will spend the rest of my day working at it. You have to figure the Democrats would blow at least one obvious pick, and the Republicans would pick up some strategically Democratic state simply for economic purposes. I’m making it a snake draft for kicks. And D.C. cannot be

You just called yourself an adult and then called someone else a bitch online. Great job today, mothefucker.

Sounds like CNN has a real mess on its hands.

Well, that headline was certainly a huge disappointment

Would it spice things up if I gave you the finger?

As someone who recently paid a 24 over ticket for testing the wastegate adjustment I had just made... on a straight, smooth road with absolutely 0 people within a very impressive eye-sight distance and nothing to hit but grass.... let me break it down while people are being (maybe a dash overboard) harsh to you.
