Samuel Segrist

I would seriously love an entire movie that shows the universe more or less at peace during the New Republic, and Luke is just bumming around the galaxy hanging out and having lengthy conversations:

“That’s why he shot himself.”

Thompson’s era made a lot of infeasible things seem possible. That’s the enduring appeal of the time, and the reason we forgive his indulgences as a kind of search for something beyond the mundane. And maybe it kind of was. I don’t really know what was up with Thompson, though his behavior to me indicates a genuine

They could always try rebranding to The Alan Smithee Company.

I love that you’re going to improve on Kubrick by gutting his movies. Seriously: fuck you.

You’re right about that, but the real issue here is the story as presented doesn’t work if Deckard is a replicant. If the story were meant to be about a guy who hunts androids finding out he’s an android at the climax or last scene, it should have been written with that in mind. It completely changes the meaning of

It’s the Gentleman’s A.