Samuel Segrist

I know some people have commented about how Krasinski is too warm of an actor to play the part, but I think that is the true tension inherent to the character of Reed Richards. Yes, he is more often than not brainy, brilliant, distant, and cold, but there have been so many wonderful moments throughout the years in the

Now playing

My former bandmate Nicole Siegrist was one of the musicians who died in this fire. She had moved from Nebraska to California to pursue her dream of an indie musical career as VanFantom. (Her final album is available at, although I think the video below of her demonstrating her new Omnichord

I don’t know if it’s a great show, but the most visceral reaction I’ve ever had to a show’s theme song was the creepy rendition of “Edelweiss” which starts The Man in the High Castle. I didn’t even get through the pilot and its Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow-esque set design/effects. To take such a beautiful and

I saw the abridged version in theaters last winter and was quite impressed with the pacing, the cinematography, and the use of voice-over and, well, silence, to communicate the fascination and frustration inherent to someone who so desperately wants to believe in their faith. For the life of me, I do not know why

I agree, because I think that homecoming of Dougie was Mr. C becoming Dougie 2. It was a sly way of saying that the seed (or golden pearl) of an evil father figure—the spirit of Jack Torrance, if you will—is always lurking inside every ostensibly good father. This seemed to be the route they were going with Bobby