Cabbage Patch Mather

PDX reporting in here. Of the 2000 people at the protest, there were ~20 who were involved in smashing cars and windows. Fights broke out with people actively trying to stop them,

I was going to say. The protest although a nice gesture are just more yelling into an echo chamber. Most people who live in Boston didn’t vote for trump. The people who need our help are immigrants who are scared, Muslims and refugees, POC who will be affected by Rudy Guilliani possibly having a Cabinet position.

This is truly an immigration attorney’s ultimate wet dream.

What do you think the federal in federal judge stands for?

They wanted to be able to claim ideological purity later and figured we would all do the necessary for them. Part of me actually enjoys them realizing that they made a HUGE mistake.

They wouldn’t even have voted for the Jewish Socialist they pretend to worship on Sundays.

They walked in with their eyes open and their protest contributed to this. My sibling is queer (as am I), my fiancé is Jewish, I have chronic illnesses, and I’m going to try to leave—my family, my friends, my home—because if Trump and Pence follow through I won’t survive his goddamn presidency. Fuck them.

Bernie couldn’t even with a fucking primary, ffs. His message was “tax more and give entitlements.” Not going to win over a lot of average voters.

Not to mention that once he started talking about the costs of free college, raising taxes etc- many people would have lost their shit.

Mind telling the Intercept that? Like I can’t with them right now, even with the good points they’re making, ‘cause of how loudly they’re banging the Bernie would have won drum. I figure some of this is hands in the ears guilt about how much they pushed the “Hillary is evil and wikileaks* are good people” narrative,

I’m just pointing to stuff like this every time someone says Bernie would have won. The antisemitism was pretty flagrant this campaign season and the “elite media” is a damn dog whistle that’s been trotted out by everyone who’s feeling even a little resentful, so on what planet do you think they would have gone for

As the old Jewish joke goes, whenever I’m feeling down, I read Der Sturmer. It tells me that my people are endlessly rich and run the world.

By god, you’re so right, a handful of Klan members celebrating in the south totally proves 60 million people across the whole country didn’t really care about economics at all.

It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

It’s so sad how these clearly superior beings are being held back by inferior ones. However that works.
