Cabbage Patch Mather

He’s right! Trump has emboldened the alt right, and the Evangelicals, tremendously. It truly sucks!

The protesters- many of whom likely voted for Jill Stein and wrote all over Facebook that Trump and Hillary were no different- are now freaking out because their lives will be impacted, for some of them, horrendously.

Trump will never, ever be able to implement 90% of the immigration promises he’s made to his supporters. You simply cannot go door to door asking people if they’ve citizens. What he could do, most likely, would be to cut off funding to sanctuary cities and deport, instead of send to jail, anyone arrested for a

Perhaps, instead of protesting on the Boston Common- perhaps the bluest of the deep blue parks in the country, an echo chamber if there ever was one- your wife should drive up to Chelsea (no, not Admiral Hill, but Chelsea) or Lynn, and volunteer at a homeless or battered women’s shelter for poor immigrants. They are

Oh, there’s no way in fucking hell the electorate would have voted for a Jewish socialist from Vermont. And aside from the alt right- Even Hillary got more moderate Republicans like Anna Navarro and probably the entire Bush family. But very, very few moderate Republicans would have gone for an actual socialist.

I blame both. I blame those who didn’t vote, and those who voted for Jill Stein but who are now out in the streets protesting. What on god’s green fucking earth were they thinking? Did they think this was some kind of game? Did they think this was an episode from House of Cards, where they could shut down the

It’s not really that creepy, depending on the situation.

Good idea.