The video is a 6 min combat. Starting, say, from when TMWNN sets down the rock, it is non-stop combat. It's gameplay is psychology, looking for cues, spring-loading reaction times, and a bit of game theory.
The video is a 6 min combat. Starting, say, from when TMWNN sets down the rock, it is non-stop combat. It's gameplay is psychology, looking for cues, spring-loading reaction times, and a bit of game theory.
This already made it on line, the sound is weirdly quiet though:
I graduated in 1980. I was very aggressively bullied, frequent physical violence, total social ostracization. I am white, lower middle class (class was a bit of a factor), and nerdy/geeky. The whole thing was systematic, and I wasn't the only target, but we were a small fraction of the student body. Middle school was…