Grandmaster B-Hud

This discussion seems quaint in a world in which most automotive mapping applications warn you of speed traps long before you are in range.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a FDR or Churchill in power. Just a surplus of cucks.

So, you’re one of the ten sitting at the table who doesn’t object when a nazi sits down with them.

I hate to break it to you, but if you wear a New York Yankees hat people think you’re a Yankees fan. If you drive a Nazimobile, guess what they think

If you don’t mind using your money to support nazis, then you should not concern yourself with it.

Enjoy your Swasticar.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi, but a bankrupt Nazi is a good start.

You can be an automotive enthusiast without advocating irresponsible operation on roads open to the public. Closed course? Knock yourself out.

The thing is, and I know this is hard to accept, that public roads aren’t for recreating. They aren’t racetracks, they aren’t gymnasiums, they aren’t amusement parks. They are for moving people and goods safely and efficiently. Going out and tearing one up for your own amusement is asshole behavior.

They sell this stuff as a lifestyle choice ($110k, for a Jeep? - that’s a statement beyond its mere driving qualities) so yes, people are going to consider what it says about the owner.

>>> I guess we’ll never really know where the Ford Model T/Spanish Moss myth came from, but remember: don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
I didn’t read it on the Internet: I was told it by boat drivers in two Florida State parks.

He’s a Pulitzer prize winner, and took home five Grammys a week ago. At this point not knowing who he is takes a lot of effort.

Holy shit, I can’t imagine having such a hard-on for a dude that I’m willing to give him a public BJ via social media after his shitty truck gets me into a bad accident.

He didn’t ask for financial advice. Before you go around suggesting all those things, remember that $1200 is life changing in a third world country. You can give that to someone and change their life, what is stopping you?

Both, one shortly after the other.

everything is political fodder for Trump.

Or DJT will just dismissively wave his hand to the FAA investigators and tell them not to bother looking into it.

Dashcam footage of a plane crash (half mile away? Hard to tell) isn’t really “seeing people die”. It’s rather impersonal since we don’t see them before, during, or after.

six people onboard the plane were all Mexican citizens

This forced me to wiki “Giant’s Causeway” and holy shit, that’s amazing. How have I never heard/seen of this before?