
I’ve heard that too, and I’m fairly sure they’re among the minority. I hear loads about the “Berniebros” on Jezebel (and only on Jezebel)—a term cooked up to homogenize Clinton’s opposition. I haven’t heard the term elsewhere, and you have to be a pretty monopolizing centrist to pretend that everyone to your political

I think everyone’s on that same page. The Democrats get to pick between center-right and center-left. The Republicans get to pick between far-right and really-far domestic-terrorist-right. In the general election, no matter what, we vote Democrat; because we can at least tread water instead of veering even further

I’m not one to malign Obama. I supported him in 2008 and I think he did more in his first two years when he had a friendly Congress than most two-term Presidents accomplish in eight. He’s done great things since then. And a lot of these omnibus bills (the stimulus, ACA, etc.) really changed the direction of funding

By that same logic, I could say that the ‘super-liberal Hillary Clinton’ narrative is equally fanciful based on her political career, seeing as how she’s either the last person to cross the finish line when endorsing liberal positions or possibly even back pedaling from previous positions. But, nah, I'm sure she'll

That’s the one point that I just don’t get. I constantly hear about how a Republican Congress simply will not work with Sanders on anything. And maybe that’s true, but I see no evidence it would be one iota any easier for Clinton, and given the 20+year hate boner the GOP has had for both Hillary and her husband, I

THANK YOU YASSSSSSS. Like, sorry I want to fucking have hope for my country’s future and vote for the policies i REALLY want to see, not just settle for less radical ideas because it will be easier.

I don’t see it as being a far stretch of the imagination to see a President Clinton folding on something like, oh, I don’t know, defunding PP when Republicans inevitably hold the country hostage with a government shutdown. She’ll very logically explain that she would have liked to have fought for it, but she had to

Again, I think that the Democratic party deeply shoots itself in the foot by ignoring the potential of the appeal an economically populist message could have for a lot of working class, nominally conservative voters. No, they probably still hate gays and black people but at a certain point, even most of them could

Krugman drives me especially crazy, as he’s spent the last eight years saying that all of Obama’s mistakes were trying to compromise too much and mocking those who thought that he could bend even further backwards, but is now saying we should support Clinton because she’ll compromise.

Yep. I read an article on Slate today talking about the slew of think pieces that came out yesterday that talked about how Bernie did such a good job and everything, and he’s pushed the conversation and Hillary to the left, and everything but there is this distinct subtext in the tone of the pieces that basically

“We want someone who will make a damn attempt.”

This drives me nuts as well. And for all the crap Sander’s supporters are getting, no one seems to care the level of contempt over in parts of the Clinton camp (inspired by her level of contempt no doubt).

The odd thing is, given their reply, it seems to indicate that they’re Canadian, so I’m not exactly sure what their game is. I think they want the US to stay just like it is. For what reason? I don’t know. Maybe they like the ability to act smugly superior and if we actually get our shit together, pass universal

While neglecting the role the Clinton’s played in continuing to tack right in the 1990's...

And you have to wonder as well, if a lot of the progressive revitalization that’s been going on over the last few years (BLM, Occupy WS, the sudden hipness of feminism, etc. etc.) can’t give at least some credit to having a president who made a point to unabashedly push a progressive viewpoint in office. Granted Obama

This one, from the original piece at the New Yorker, is almost unbelievable:

Bernie is a shill for democratic rule. I'll take that shill any day.

This. It’s especially dangerous because it also fosters the “if they’re all bad, why bother voting?” apathy that’s already endemic. The last thing we need is less voter engagement.

If you don’t believe Bernie Sanders can get the nod, I point you to the candidacy of George McGovern. If you don’t believe he can win the presidency, I point you to Jimmy Carter. The history of campaigns for the executive branch is littered with the successes of individuals who were considered party outsiders.

the outsized political hope that “youth” have before they realize that every politician is a shill, nobody with real values is actually electable, and also that God Is Dead.