
To use a phrase from the #youths, the struggle is real. Coming from less-than-middle-class-but-not-under-poverty-line to middle class, it amazes me how comfortable it can be here. Yet, old habits die hard. I still get the sideways glance when I ask the waiter/waitress for a to-go box for my friends’ foods when they

So they have to pay money (or lose income) to take part in the electoral process? Awesome.

Warren is better than Bernie. Bernie is too idealistic, and too standoffish. A grumpy old man. All his senate accomplishments have been amendments tacked on to existing bills. He’s never had to fight to defend a bill or get one passed from scratch.

Christ I chose to define her in relationship to one of the 2 existing candidates. If she was like Hillary I would’ve said Hillary Lite.

Fair point, still, I’m fussy and find it irritating when people call women “twats”.

To be fair, the author did the equivalent of going to a Star Trek forum and posting a thread that says “Star Trek is great, but isn’t Star Wars better?”

Tell me about it. If I say a word about Hillary Clinton that isn’t unequivocably 100% positive I get called a misogynist troll. Apparently “I’ll cheerfully vote for either of them but for now Bernie Sanders’ politics align more closely with my own” is secret Berniebro code for “I HATE THEM UPPITY WOMENS.” Who knew?

What is an American high school graduate’s comparative advantage to a Chinese high school graduate? There is none. When you’re talking about unskilled jobs, the only comparative advantage is wages.

I don’t take scandals at face value. You don’t hear me screaming Benghazi because Benghazi wasn’t a scandal. It was a bunch of contrived bullshit.

Ok, you’re talking about net gains. Not who gains. Of course protectionism is a net drag on the economy. But we’re not talking about net here. We’re talking about lifting up the bottom and removing from the top.

Upending corporate influence in politics is the overlap between Warren and Sanders, and is why they’re often mentioned in the same sentence. Warren is a much higher-profile politician.

Pandering loses the general elections as often as it wins it. Just look for pictures of Dukakis in a tank. Or John Kerry buying a hunting license.

Free trade agreements that have shipped millions of decent paying jobs abroad? I majored in economics. Economists love free markets because they’re simple. Supply/demand = price. The simple model doesn’t take into account things like wages, or unemployment, or rising xenophobia.

How about the fact that Hillary ran emails servers off books specifically to get around disclosure rules? In other words she went out of her way to hide things from the public. That doesn’t bother you? That says nothing about her character?

Not this Hillary supporter. I’m not voting for Bernie because it’s clear that he doesn’t understand the very thing he wants to regulate (Glass-Steagall is anachronistic, and he completely dismisses the effective Dodd-Frank), and because he has voted against every major trade agreement of the last 20 years, in spite of

This has happened to male friends of mine who shared pro-Bernie content (his usually figure and graphs about income inequality) on FB. Hasn’t happened to me (and probably less likely to since I’m a woman) but still ridiculous.

This is a regular thing from many Hillary supporters. Even if I’m a huge fan of another female candidate and voted for her Senate seat and would love to see her run for president, I’m still a sexist. They’re just proving my original point. Unfortunately it was lost on them.

Ok, I’m not a Bernie supporter, but this is troll-level nonsense here.

I’m a woman who agrees with you. I’d prefer it if Warren were running, for sure, but, as things are, I am voting for Bernie. It’s not because I think Hilary would necessarily be a bad candidate, and if she wins the nomination I will absolutely vote for her. It’s because of her corporate ties and her flip-flopping on

No. I’m comparing groups of policies favorably. There are 2 democratic candidates (for all intents and purposes), because I’m contrasting an imaginary campaign against the female candidate’s existing campaign I have to draw parallels to the other candidate...who happens to be male.