Dude, fuck almond milk. It’s too thin and almonds are bullshit.
there’s probably a spring in there to help it retract... when the hydraulic pressure was gone (prob fluid squirting out the back or bottom that we couldn’t see at that point, maybe even the internal casing... ) the spring just retracted the jack...
I think the last generation Supras are ugly, but the angular 80's Supras look great. I know the newer ones are faster, but I don’t care.
Nobody is cross-shopping an 80's Supra and an IS300, so it’s kind of an apples-to-grenades sort of comparison
Finding another example like this isn’t going to be easy. Plus he replaced the dash with new old stock, and is throwing in some more interior pieces. As we all know, time has not been kind to 80's interiors. Prices on these things are just going to get higher. NP.
I’d rather be seen in it the way it sits now than in that #61 Stancy-Pants.
There’s a much better way of doing this, folk. Just cut the catalytic converters off the cars. No one even notices, AND it's perfectly legal.
Just popped in to pick a nit. The catalytic converter doesn’t filter or trap, it catalyzes. It provides a substrate that facilitates reactions that break down unwanted byproducts of combustion. Nothing is trapped in the catalyst, it is reacted to something less harmful and released.
“All I see are two equivalent assholes and one winning.”
No there is not enough blame to go around. It doesn’t matter if they were passing or not. They were still going at least the speed limit seeing how the car to their right was moving a little slower than them. The attempted murder by the truck driver is not okay. Ramming someone off the road at highway speeds and then…
Nope, fuck that truck driver, all the Z was doing was slowing him down. He tried to kill the people in the Z
Then the intellectually honest criticism of Brooks’ post would be to point to the litany of justifiable reasons people have for disliking her in addition to the irrational one of misogyny. Those would be (buckle up):
Why do you hate women?
It’s a simple way for Clinton defenders to avoid those discussions.
Are you new here? Jezebel dismisses any negative opinion towards someone they like as “sexism,” “racism,” or “homophobia.” They themselves reduce the individuals that they ostensibly like to nothing more than a set of genitals and pigmentation.
So if she’s disliked simply because she’s a woman, then how can you have any honest discussion about the numerous reasons she shouldn’t be President? At the end of the day, you can dismiss all arguments as “Well of course they’d say that, she’s a woman”. It can’t possibly be because of her handling of this email…
It’s very hard to both acknowledge that Clinton’s popularity is mired by sexist attitudes about women in public life, and that there are also other reasons why folks distrust her or dislike her. If you bring up one of these points, people tend to hit you over the head with the other fact, as if they can’t both be…
An old, thirsty, slow, beat up, rusty “Land Dawdler”. What the F**k for? So, so many other better choices at the same money. This should be priced in the $1,500 territory. Crack pipe at that price. Confused as the the new red wire running to the side in the engine bay. Bypassing something?