
Thanks to the historical documentary “Smokey & the Bandit” I grew up believing the greatest performance car possible was the Pontiac Trans-Am.

I don’t know how he could be fucking the Democrats over.

hillary supporters are the definition of white feminism. When i brought up the “super-predators” comments they all told me it was 20 years ago and to get over it! While also constantly ignoring the huge diversity of the sanders supporters is out right despicable. It’s bullshit.

This is a pretty silly take. Its a primary and she hasn’t even clinched it yet. At the very best you should be crying about this AFTER she clinches the necessary amount of delegates, not before.

In stereotyping a #teambernie “type,” you’re effectively ignoring many of us who are, in fact, lifelong feminists, like Nina Turner, Tulsi Gabbard, Michelle Alexander (author of The New Jim Crow) who also support Sanders. Not to mention me—a 40-something Latina who holds multiple degrees, works three jobs to survive,

There isn’t a team Bernie “type”. Shailene Woodley is as far away from me as possible- black, meat loving, thinks crystal magic is bullshit, openly feminist/womanist, can’t stand Shailene Woodley, etc- but I’m a Bernie Sanders supporter. It’s annoying as fuck when Hillary supporters just dismiss us, especially since I

I bet they’re all safer than a motorcycle with five people on it, which is realistically what these cars are competing with. Making the cars safer will make them more expensive, which will make more people stick with the motorcycles, which will make them less safe.

“That’s not how you play hide the cigar...”

Have fun being on the wrong side of history. Neocon Dems are a thing of the past. Hillary is your last hurrah, and then we can finally get to fixing the mess you’ve created.

Ralph Nader didn’t lose Al Gore the election. Al Gore lost Al Gore the election.

What kind of progressive would sign off on bailouts for banks and automakers, socializing business losses? What kind of progressive would vote for certain unprovoked adventures abroad? What kind of progressive would not just preserve our horrendous system of privately run health care, but subsidize those insurers?

Feel free to look up “confirmation bias” when you have some free time.

The Sanders supporters I know are 100% clear on why they are voting for him, and which policies they support. It’s tough to be clear on which of Hillary’s policies you support, since her platform is basically “Whatever I can say that will get me elected.” It’s crass and gross, but I personally prefer crass and gross

But she took those millions from Wall Street then turns around and claims she can hold them accountable because something something 9/11.

I have found Bernie supporters to be more informed about policy than older Clinton supporters. In my experience Clinton supporters that I know anyway have a hard time explaining why exactly they support her, other than she’s more electable (which she is not according to almost every poll) and we need to stop Trump. I

Nader’s run didn’t do that. Gore losing did.

Well yeah, she is less electable than Sanders. I have yet to meet one person who is actually enthusiastic about Clinton. Pragmatic, sure, like my mom, but not enthusiastic. We need seismic change in the way our government does business. We need someone like Sanders or Stein or Nader or Warren. Someone like the

Really? Other than ignoring the dumb signs that people plop on their front lawn, I really don’t encounter anyone “throwing their preferred candidates at me.” Sounds like a life overfilled with drama really.

Cool anecdotes

Oh come on. His politics, his stances, his entire life condemns this kind of bullshit. It should be more than obvious that this is counter to everything he stands for.