
I somehow missed that, and I don’t know how. Thanks, man.

What systems is it launching for? I might have to get it if there’s a Switch release.

I am having a hard time getting past the “I don’t like Queen” comment. I get maybe not digging their entire discography or something, but there’s no way you don’t enjoy at least one song from them.

I think you guys are overreading into what happened.

Sweaters are white? I just thought I was trying to stay warm, damn. Shows how out of the loop I am.

Oh neat, I thought VC4 was a ways away. I haven’t really been paying too close attention to title release dates lately. Too much Destiny 2. Forsaken is so good you guys.

My biggest issue with Forsaken is how important Gambit is, from a power standpoint. It’s at least 3 powerful engrams a week, for a mode that is inherently broken and unfun.

You have no idea what you’re saying if you think your “advice” isn’t some holier-than-thou bullshit. Sleeper Simulant kills you from across the map, and all the maps have enormous sight lines. I’ve been killed by it, frequently, before the warning beep even finishes playing once you’ve been invaded. Yes I pay

They have bigger issues to address in Gambit, but I’m glad they’re at least looking into this issue. Sleeper Simulant is so prevalent and powerful in the mode, it’s made what should have been the most interesting part of the mode (shooting other guardians) a snooze fest about if your team can spot the guy who’ll

Oh please. There’s always some holier-than-thou person who is incapable of seeing the bigger picture behind the “git gud” mantra. Today that’s you.

Well just from a pure power standpoint, the current batch of dudes is worth pulling for. Legendary Marth absolutely TRUCKS dragons and is super useful in Arena Assault. All 4 of the CYL2 characters are pretty much best-in-class at their respective weapon/movement types and come with some absurdly broken skills.

How you’re still sitting on 486 orbs with both CYL2 banner and UberMarth banners active is beyond me. You are a more disciplined person than I am.

I don’t understand the “dead game” meme. I’ve never struggled finding a match even in the lesser played game modes like Competitive. I play on PC. Games don’t need to be the most played game on the planet to be healthy and fun.

Haha yeah, I recall running into a “Listen carefully, skeleton!” message at that part. Cracks me up too.

Well this is sad. Teenagers and high powered sports cars are a dangerous mix.

Alternatively, these messages are hilarious because they game the messaging system to say things beyond what was clearly intended. One of the biggest chuckles I’ve had in the whole series was an“Amazing Trap Ahead” message parked outside Dark Sun Gwindolyn’s chambers. It’s an amazingly stupid joke which is exactly why

My personal grudge is against those big, annoying, hard-to-remove adhesive pricetags. My new copy is opened and you put a sticker on the case?

I bought my switch very, very recently. Like, week of 4th of July recently. My family (mom and dad are in their 60s, I’m the failure 30-something millenial that still lives at home and life is going nowhere, just so you can picture this), not being used to us having a console on the main TV, was concerned at first. My

That’s roughly $7000 worth of card stock, which I think needs to be mentioned. Although that value is either likely to drop if it gets played with, or maybe go up because of cultural provenance due to this going viral. Hard to judge exactly at the moment.

I think it might be time to crowdsource some new comics to put in the Sunday Comics section. Feels like half the comics are on hiatus and have been for the last year or so.