
Well, there's my daily kick in the stomach. My uncle and my cousin were both huge BMX freaks so when I was younger I was too. I idolized Dave Mirra. This absolutely sucks. I do wonder if CTE was a factor.

At least the chickens voices aren't so whiny.

This is my worry. I don't buy into the whole "celebrities have to be role models" thing because I realize they're just dumb humans like the rest of us, but actively perpetuating the spread of misinformation is just straight up irresponsible.

I think Chris Pratt could do it, we just haven't seen him do it yet. You could have said the same thing about Steve Carrell before he started doing dramatic roles.

I've got it! Cast Jennifer Lawrence as a gay transgendered Han Solo! There, have I pissed enough people off yet?

Honestly most of Angles is pretty great (minus You're So Right, Games, and Metabolism) and Comedown Machine is too. I don't think they're the best The Strokes have to offer (obviously) but they're good albums in their own right.

I've always loved this bit and it's unprofessional nature, but seeing Julian Casablancas doing it with a wink actually turned it into a song I legitimately enjoy.


Let's be honest, if they did an alien invasion storyline everyone and their mother would scream Avengers rip-off.

Back in August a friend and I went to see Straight Outta Compton and stayed outside the theater exits to see what people were saying about Fant4stic. It was not good. Some of the stand-outs were: "What the fuck was that" "Can't believe I spent money on that piece of crap" and my favorite "That was possibly the worst

I dunno, intergalactic politics really get me going. Plus Natalie Portman, but that's just a bonus.

You think yah better than me?

KOTOR is really the biggest loss of the EU purge, and arguably the only real loss considering the sea of crap things like the Thrawn trilogy were surrounded by and intricately woven into.

I don't know, we only ever see Yoda bust out the lightsaber in self-defense or when he's trying to stop an overtaking of the Republic or end a war. I'd say it's pretty justified. It's not like he uses it to chop onions.

Saying that the prequels didn't have as much cultural impact as the originals is ludicrous. Of course they didn't. What piece of entertainment has?

Once again someone posts the Plinkett reviews despite only giving vague hints as to their problems with the prequels. If you read the article, you'd know it outright tells you why doing exactly what you just did is stupid and detrimental to Star Wars discussion. Newsflash: RLM isn't the end-all be-all of movie

This piece sums up my thoughts entirely. Prequel haters may be the most annoying people on the planet. If I have to hear "it's like poetry, it rhymes" one more time I might slit my throat on the spot. Hating these movies has become an almost cult-like ritual. Everyone just spews the same phrases ("I hate sand" or "lol

That's Jae Crowder. He's been nicknamed The Predator by fans due to his dreadlocks. I'm not saying that play substantiates the nickname, but I don't think a non-predator could've done that.

Sure there's been some changes, but you have to admit there's a difference between changing minor aspects of supporting characters and completely overhauling Bond's whole character, right? It seems dumb to me to just slap the Bond name on a completely, fundamentally different character. If you want to change Bond so

I'd just prefer original characters to something that's Bond in name only. Why not give the writers a little freedom and let them have a blank canvas? That's the best of both worlds imo.