
The problem with these ideas is they're a little too obsessed with making major changes to Bond. If we want diverse super spies, I say they do what the rest of Hollywood is doing: create a cinematic universe. Have movies based on different MI6 agents. Who needs lesbian Bond when you can have her be 006? Then you could

Jurassic World 2: Paleolithic Boogaloo

So are we all just going to ignore the rest of those godawful photo ops? 'Cause I'd be okay if we just buried them in the back yard, never to be spoken of again.

Tell that to Mike Dirnt's missing teeth.

I promise to abuse them to their fullest.

I'll have you know I harass people all the time, I just do it in the appropriate places: on public buses and subways, and at bars during baseball games.

I can't get over the fact that it seems like they just go to the dealership to sexually harass men for shits and giggles.

The Onion: Man infuriated by hubris in ad campaign, doesn't know what that means.

Jesus you guys, now you're reposting Reddit posts that even Reddit shits on.

Really bummed that Hasbro cheaped out on the articulation here, how will uh… my kids play with them?

As someone who likes current Eminem, even I have to agree with you. The choppy-ness thing he does with some of his verses (usually just on album songs) gets grating after a while. It's like when a director finally gets full creative freedom and they just make a weird, self-indulgent mess. It feels like someone needs

That's the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard

Can I not and say I did?

Hoping this is just a 2 hour long Harmontown D&D session with some in game footage.

Nonsense, Marrrr is a perfectly good name.

Very true, but at least it would fit the slightly hipster-ish vibe they gave Peter.

On that last point, I've always said Sony missed a great opportunity to set a "stopping various bad guys" montage in a Spider-Man movie to New York City Cops by The Strokes, especially in the Amazing Spider-Man movies, where I could definitely picture Peter Parker having a Strokes tee next to his Ramones shirt.

I'm actually surprised kids still play with toys at all. When I was eight, my friend used to have a collection of tiny doll sized guns. When I asked how he got them, he said he'd get G.I. Joes and destroy them but keep the guns they came with, because G.I. Joes were "gay."

I don't think it's really a great idea, but then neither is having people living on ramen because Wal-Mart gives them minimum wage with no overtime or benefits. Just funny to think that If they had more 'humane' slavery back in the day (sort of an oxymoron, I know) how they might have been able to keep it going for

I sort of wonder if today, if farms and the like could in lieu of money offer reasonable on site housing, food and water (as in 3 meals a day at least), humane hours, and job security how many people would take that instead of some crappy minimum wage job.