
Ah yes, I can see it now.

They still sell new movies on DVD for $20, which is pretty insulting since you can usually get the special edition Blu-Ray with a digital copy for 5 bucks more. A lot more people would probably still buy DVDs if they were cheaper.

Looking at you, Ubisoft.

"Also, hurry the fuck up on Kingdom Hearts 3"

I like to say between the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy and the Webb films they had all the combined pieces for the best possible Spider-Man movie, but never all in one place.

This sounds like something from the Deadpool script.

I always thought the Friends writers screwed themselves over by trying to make everything change too much in the end so they could get a heartfelt send-off. Why do Monica and Chandler need to move to the suburbs before they even have their baby? What couple does that when they have a separate bedroom anyway? Why would

I'M RADICAL!!! Like those bitchy Christians!

So will the inevitable rule 34 of him be called Snoke Stroke?



*Salutes you with shitty tasting Pokemon themed Pop-Tart while staring longingly at X-Files VHS tapes*

Couldn't you wait a couple days before reposting stuff from Reddit, internet?

Judging by this season, next years contestants will be plucked right out of a northwest hipster cafe, with the winner being decided by who can stay off-key for as long as possible while playing a wacky instrument. Also they'll get one good singer for Harry Connick Jr to kick around.

2 Age 2 Ultron

I'm fine with any villain so long as they don't take 15-30 minutes of every movie explaining how the villain was created. I'm fine with it if it's really integral to the plot, but just once can we jump into Spidey throwing down with Doc Ock without being told that he courted his wife with poetry? Can't we just say

"The chicks can't hold the webs, das what it is, man."

I'm now officially convinced that James Cameron's original script for the first (ill fated) Spider-Man movie has scared Sony away from picking action directors for Spider-Man movies.

But he's not drowning, he's CRAAASHING!

I think we can safely say that Harley's MySpace bio would pretty much just be: