
Don't forget the classic advice: "Have you tried turning off all electronics 30 minutes before bed?" as if sitting there for hours, alone in the dark, and unable to sleep is a reasonable proposition. No one ever chooses to watch infomercials if there's anything better to do.

If that happens, my vote will be for "bae" Why? Because some men just want to watch the world cringe.

Yeah, especially the part where they claimed that, upon showing off their mech design, a Marvel executive offered to "buy that for a dollar."

Honestly, it seems like they'd have a better case if they sued Bioware for the N7 armor. A lot more similarities there. Also, if they're suing over coming up with the mech suit, why doesn't Paul Verhoeven sue, since Robocop had a spinoff comic published by Marvel ten years before Radix was published.

#Hashtag's power is that he hacks into Twitter to make hashtags like #SpideyIsGay #spideysux and #FuckSpiderman the trending topics by adding them to everyone's tweets. What this accomplishes? I don't know, but cyber-bullying is pretty relevant, right?

Obviously they're not virgins, I mean didn't you hear the story of no-knees Denise?

But it was never stated or even implied that Han was better than Dom. In fact, Dom got the Roadrunner in a race with Han, so there's actually evidence to the contrary. Sean would definitely be the best drifter, but that wouldn't really mean much when attacking an armed convoy. I'm sure they could find a way to make

At the time, everyone (including me) over-appreciated Fast & Furious just for the return to the characters and arcs from the first movie after the disaster of Tokyo Drift. Seriously, when the trailer for F&F came out I was giddy, I genuinely thought Tokyo Drift had killed the franchise. After seeing the best in the

I don't know, it probably works the same way that everyone in TD having a flip phone despite it supposedly taking around 2013-2015 does, which is to say it doesn't work at all. At least all of the Tokyo Drift characters still looked the same age in 7.

When I first watched Tokyo Drift, I sort of just thought Sung Kang was just playing the "too cool for this shit" guy, but upon re-watching after seeing his full arc, it really puts his role in Tokyo Drift in perspective. He seemed less cool and more broken and disenfranchised with the world. While that obviously

Nah, but Lucas Black was godawful. Han was far and away the best part of Tokyo Drift. I still would've liked to see a bit more of Black though, if only to see if he's gotten better as an actor. I realize though how out of place his character would be. He's never even held a gun, he's not smart by any means, and his

I seem to be in the minority here, but I haven't watched cartoon network in months because of the influx of shit like Steven U, Clarence, and Uncle Grandpa. SU is okay, but the others seem like they're trying so hard to be random and think that annoying somehow equals funny.

I love that in all conspiracy theories, they use coincidences to justify the theory, yet when things don't quite line up, or aren't exact, they say "well of course not, then it'd be too obvious." Also, everything is "hidden in plain sight" yet they never say why a supposedly all-powerful hidden organization would

…an AV Club account? Oh wait, I forgot Bay is actually ElDan.

Not to mention OBUMMER and his sissy boys.

Now I'm picturing Kendrick Lamar helping people move while freestyling about it and the crowd just losing their minds.

True, but I'm pretty sure Mozilla comes with Yahoo! as the default search engine. I should know, I've had to change it so many times.

Also, since Jeff is 40, technically the approximate age he gives in PoliSci is wrong too. Both can technically be explained away, since Jeff at that time would want to fudge his age to seem younger, and Annie's age is reported by the schools A/V club, who may have just gotten her birthday wrong.

I actually came to tears over that. I'm not sure if I was crying or laughing.

D-do we get get to see her get pregnant? I'm asking for a friend.