
It's not even clever, you keep using it as the word change!

Or Asscrack related trauma.

Oh definitely. They've totally gotten the most out of them emotionally, but I feel like since Abed started delving into his weirdness with Troy, we haven't gotten to see Jeff be the cool older brother to Abed that he started out as. Now this seems like as good of an opportunity as ever to have Jeff indulge Abed's

Pretty sure they were just humanoid drones created by NBC to run the show into the ground so they could bring Harmon back, just to give them the satisfaction of finally cancelling the show. Also, don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure Guarascio is latin for "broadener of humor"

"You're human garbage!"

Only if that creative juice is Turbulent Juice.

Can't say that banner picture didn't make me think Tommy was ejaculating at the camera. Also,

Finally someone else says this. Greendale woud be the perfect place to spend an eternity in.

I was deadset on it being white and gold, looked at the comments, scrolled back up, and HOLY SHIT IT'S BLACK AND BLUE MY WHOLE BRAIN IS CRYING

At the very least, if you insist on throwing it, have Wilson roll out so if he doesn't see anything he could throw it away or run it in.

"More like GanonDORK!" [Children on playground proceed to mock Ganondorf until he cries and runs away]

I can't decide whether it's good or bad that I only got that reference because of American Dad.

Pete Carroll calling a pick/slant on the goal line with 30 seconds left in the Super Bowl instead of running it with Lynch is like if Bruce Banner didn't Hulk out in the Avengers because he decided to down some Xanax before the battle with the Chitauri.

Well there's your problem, Tokyo Drift is the worst one.

And a worthy tribute to Paul Walker's memory.

What about Dick Piston, the pseudonym I use in racing games?

I got excited by the thought of a feature-length Jay Pharoah-as-Jay-Z sketch, but I was laughing pretty hard at Mike O'Brien, and J.K. Simmons as Nas had me rolling. Other than that, it was a pretty forgettable night.

Oh yeah right. You can lie to yourself but you can't lie to us.

Don't forget when you burned your 007 Collection when Casino Royale came out. Damn you, Daniel Craig!

How exactly do you know this? Did you hear the audio recording? People used to say the same thing about Kobe, Michael Irvin, etc; because they didn't realize their goal. I think that if it were a problem, it would have been dealt with. Some people are just more intense than others.