The Bourne Valedictorian

“you’d be sunrised” is one of the best, most-fitting typos I’ve ever seen as far as comment synergy goes.  Well done, even if it was a mistake!

This season sure does seem to be revolving around the nature of truth, and the way everyone in it is perceiving the reality they have versus...reality. Dot is trying desperately to hold onto hers, while the two people that control reality are destined to face off (JJL and Hamm)—it seems to be building to a showdown

Sounds like to you and me we are responding the right way (I’ve seen nothing of this show aside from commercials during sports—which is the same with every single thing “bachelor” -related.)—and oh yeah I’ve done plenty of dumb shit in my life haha. But I’m generally aware of those things and don’t really have an

Well this comment thread was an epic fucking journey, let me tell you. At this point I’m not entirely sure what we were talking about, but you are absolutely right that 6.9-7.2 is 1) fucking weird to land on in any kind of personal scale without a very detailed scoring system and 2) just wrong all the way around and

That honestly made me laugh out loud. I was thinking the exact same thing--6.9 is far too detailed a score to not have a valid and detailed scoring system behind it.  It’s a very weird number to pull out of your ass.

Wait--with THOSE examples only 100% is acceptable.  How in the hell could you ever like any film if that’s the standard?  With the notable exception of Malignant, of course.

That movie becomes depressing when you’re old.  Your body is still ever changing, but not in the fun ways.

I was hoping this would explain how he turned into the guy that teaches kids valuable life lessons through traps made by elaborate and overly complicated means, but are ultimately thematically appropriate for the individual. You know, like a Jigsaw prequel.

It’s right there in the title!!!

it’s so frustrating.  I’m convinced there really aren’t many of them, but man do they seem to have tons of time to get on literally every website and complain about ‘women doing stuff’ in films....and then as soon as any movie doesn’t do well they are 100% convinced it’s because of them, despite all evidence to the

honestly no, and that’s been on my list forever! Do you recommend it? I tend to either unreasonably love or unreasonably hate their movies that aren’t in the ‘meh’ category —thinking of “Burn After Reading” with that one (mostly love, but Barton Fink I HATED--probably need to watch it again to be fair, but just

Oh sorry—it just sounded a lot like revisionist history. It was good word of mouth and reviews the got the movie to succeed, but Robert Downey was not a box-office draw at all at the time I guess is what I’m trying to point out. He was great in the movie, and has always been a good actor, but people did not go to the

But Roadhouse is already the perfect movie.  Why would anyone remake this???

Bump them all down one.  Just saw the new Godzilla in theaters and it’s easily #1.  It’s a good movie all the way around and one of the better films I’ve seen this year.

I genuinely couldn’t decide how much was CGI and if they were trying to purposely replicate the miniature look.  Indeed the effects aren’t great, but they’re almost beside the point in this film.  They really don’t detract from it.

Yeah it’s an odd score.  It’s one of the best movies I’ve seen this year.

Honestly that was my biggest gripe with this film is he just looks goofy—his arms are weirdly short and just...don’t move so he was very stiff every time ohe was on screen.  And his head is too small. Did not detract from my enjoyment of this movie in the slightest (spoiler maybe, but he’s not in it that much except

Ah thanks.  Saw it tonight and genuinely loved it, but did not understand the title at all.

That is a great shirt.  Seriously.

Okay I want to edit any responses on that other Godzilla list, as I just got through watching this.  My 13-year-old is a bonafied Godzilla nerd and really wanted to see it, so I figured I’d take him and go check emails or something if it was too dumb for me.  It’s hands down without a doubt the best Godzilla film I’ve