The Bourne Valedictorian

it’s kind of blowing my mind how people are forgetting this. Iron Man was the only hero Marvel hadn’t sold the rights off for that they could make a reasonably inexpensive movie for, and was hardly a household name. Problem was they’d sold all the rights off to the household names to stay in business (X-men, FF,

I’m sure the person you’re replying to doesn’t have a reasonable answer as it seems he hasn’t seen it. I loved CM, and did not think this one was very good (note: I think Brie Larson is an incredible actress and all the idiotic rage against her by insecure white men is ridiculous)—there were far too many exposition

I was around for all of this so I’m just telling you how it happened. I didnt’ even know people believed the glamourized version you’ve told here, but it just isn’t true at all.

Flash?  That movie was just bad.

I said it then and I’ll say it now--Chapek was always going to be the scapegoat.  It was all trending downhill before the pandemic took off, and Iger is crafty enough to see the writing on the wall.  He took the big parachute, waited in the wings for it all to come crashing down, then took another big check to come

I thought they did a bunch of different endings for that and ended up going with the Iron Man one?  They were probably all reshoots, but still.

it was a pretty good warning sign when Edgar Wright backed out of Ant-Man, when they essentially used the outline he’d been working on for years at that point.  Even Branagh complained that he’d never do another when they meddled with Thor, and that was just the third movie in all of this.  I think Marvel realized the

Eh, chances are pretty good all this was in motion way before he signed back on. Particularly with all the connective...ness?  I think he had a hand in setting all this up way back when, though, so he’s still to blame somewhat.

They were easily the best part of the movie--honestly I’d have HATED this if they weren’t in it, and I didn’t like it overall (just far too many flaws to overcome the good stuff).

I’m as big a Marvel defender as anyone out there, and I’m in the camp that it was more bad than good (and judging from other comments I like the first CM way more than most people).

I too was a big X-Men fan haha.  

Sorry but this simply isn’t true. “He was the big star with the proven track record of making enjoyable films that got non-comic book people interested in the movie.” is just not accurate at all.

Which, having seen it, is pretty accurate.  I thought it was fairly meh overall--too many exposition dumps, a more forgettable villain than most (which is saying a lot for Marvel) and choppy editing that, while making it short, also did not give many scenes much breathing room.  Thank goodness Ms Marvel and her family

Has Max been the protagonist of any of the MM films (aside from the first, I suppose)? They sort of happen around him, really. They always struck me as westerns with an end of the world setting to them.

I mean, blowing dudes is one way to work out anger issues I suppose.  No judgement here (and certainly better than other alternatives)--you do you, bro!

Right?  There’s so many great parts to that film that the kids story just sort of gets in the way of it all.

I mean, if you knew it was him solely from the cape and didn’t know he was in the film that is pretty impressive.

it sort of sounds like you’re both saying the same thing?  

I think it’s just early in the effects, personally.  There’s a lot of time before this releases, and that is usually all spent in effects and editing.

hell yes it does—honestly I’ve had enough world-building for a while. This one’s built, so and I’m all for watching Miller have a fucking field day with it.