What a weird comparison. Sure, the chase was one of several plot points, but comparing that to a single episode whose entire plotline (and tension for that episode) was basically a submarine movie’s plot is an odd choice.
What a weird comparison. Sure, the chase was one of several plot points, but comparing that to a single episode whose entire plotline (and tension for that episode) was basically a submarine movie’s plot is an odd choice.
Marvel has done the same thing at least twice with female directors, too.
It’s “The Middle Place” of movies, and seems to be (unfortunately) the highlight of Trevorrow’s career.
Yeah it’s better than those, but that’s not a super-high bar unfortunately. It had the same issue that the prequels did for me—trying to shoehorn in a bunch of origin shit that no one really cares about, which was even worse when it was eye-rollingly stupid, like “I’ll call you ‘Solo’” or Vader building 3PO.
Rogue One is the correct answer.
I want to get credited for writing without a show or movie using a word of what I wrote. Honestly, that sounds like it’s pretty easy to do.
Personally I think the “Siege of Mandalore” story arc is one of the best Star Wars things ever made. I’ve always found it fascinating how good Filoni is at working with the parts of a puzzle and managing to flesh them out far better than Lucas could. These episodes made Anakin’s fall seem far more tragic than the…
Even the best cam rips are shit, though.
The true Blu Ray copies are HUGE files (like 25-30+ Gbs) so that’s really how you can tell. There’s a difference, obviously, just from the sizes, but for most movies it doesn’t matter that much. Some films (like Dune) I would want the larger file, but for things like Maggie Moore(s) the good ol’ 1.5 gb file was…
I blew my kids minds when I told them about when I was a kid and there were ads for Raiders of the Lost Ark in the newspaper movie listings that said “54th week of release!”
Great interview, and great timing, as this may be the best season of this show so far. I had to pause watching when that fucking frog floated on screen (THE HAIR OMG THE HAIR). One moment of so many great moments--the Energy Vampire Council, Colin’s amazing stories that were also killing him, the familiar walk-in…
I’m sure Sakaar had a better choice of chicks that could handle a Hulking (if you know what I mean). And that could handle that birth...
I’m no expert on DNA or anything, but I really wanted some kind of explanation as to how it worked with all of them in one vial like that? Surely they’d at least have to take it out and separate them all again? Unless Fury’s plan was to just keep it all together in case the technology was suddenly figured out how to…
That price tag blows my mind, as it is not on screen anywhere. The few fight effects looked BAD.
But is the CGI comic-relief dog available?
I laughed, but I’m not gonna lie--seeing the Ted Kord Beetle in the last trailer gave me a nerd-chubby.
You don’t get it though--He’s REALLY fast! I mean--like really, really fast.
Honestly you’ll probably like it okay if you go in expecting it to be shit. I often am pleasantly surprised by not hating a thing as much as everyone tells me I will.
This is one they definitely would have been better off just releasing straight to HBO MAX or MAX or whatever the hell they’re calling it this week. Would have saved them a fortune in marketing and maybe some face.
It is not better than either of those. Or the new MI for that matter.