The Bourne Valedictorian

It will be especially fitting when Jaime kills her—I mean, that has to be the way this is going, right?

That's odd—I don't think there was on Friday when the review went up.

It is—there's a dedication to him at the end of the cast credits.

The court would have also accepted Transformers 2: Racists in Disguise.

How could you forget Randy Quaid? He damn near ruined the movie single-handedly!

I bet Obama's approval rating would skyrocket if he stabbed James Woods in the neck with a pen.

haha guess I'm a little grumpy about it. Here's the trailer I'm talking about so feel free to judge for yourself. I do hope it's good but I'm not expecting it:

Eh, fair enough.

That one that just looks awful and for some reason I can't seem to avoid the trailer for (it played before this movie as well). From all the plot crammed into the trailer alone it's got to be at least 4 hours long.

This was easily the strangest part of the movie…

whoa whoa whoa—I love every one of those movies….but if anyone thinks they aren't cheesy and silly they just aren't paying attention. "Them" is especially guilty on both counts.

haha I actually like Powergirl as a character and she's definitely one that is much more complex than her outfit would suggest…but that outfit just makes no sense. You can practically hear the sales guys saying "is there a way to get more boobs in there though?"

My favorite line was "I have visual" from a pilot literally a couple of miles away from it. If it were 3,000 miles wide then it's at the very least a few hundred miles tall. He would have had visual before he even took off. I know better than to overthink these things but that just seemed especially silly to me.

If they're trying to claim it's better than "I Married a Monster From Outer Space!" or "This Island Earth" or "The Brain that Wouldn't Die!" or "Them!" or….well, I could do this a while I guess. There really were a lot of cheesy, silly old timey sci-fi movies weren't there?

Saw it last night and it's just fine so long as you go into it with this attitude. It was exactly what I expected it to be (and some of the effects sequences are really well done)—the review mentions it but there were enough interesting ideas about what a post-invasion world would look like that it was pretty cool.

It was corny, and it's a far-cry from great, but I wouldn't say it sucked. If you went in with suitably low expectations (splosions! Aliens! etc!) then it was just fine. I felt entirely the same about this one after seeing it last night.

because boob-window?

That's exactly what I thought of as well—apparently the feelings that have enabled Trump in our country are spread throughout the world…

I have altered your script…pray I don't alter it further.