The Bourne Valedictorian

That's a pretty great way to put it—the best science fiction films (which I think this qualifies) have a "lived in" feel to their world. The world of Mad Max was incredibly conceived and very much felt like it occupied it's own space.

There's a cream for that I think.

As long as I can DVR it and watch it later I suppose it's cool.

Damn I'm sorry I missed that….stupid adblock

I am stunned at what this show has turned into—-easily one of my favorites on TV right now.

Wasn't he making that up anyway? I thought it was just a cover story because he genuinely wanted to see if something had changed after he thought she woke up…

This is the best joke account yet.

Huh—well I guess those people should avoid reviews then, because clearly they have no understanding of what the word means. How stupid.

Which is all well and good, of course, but surely you recognize that this sub-culture exists, and this movement is not exactly shoving them away, right? All you have to do is read through these comments (the worst of which have been deleted by now, but enough replies are there to fill in the blanks) and see what kind

Wait…what? How does that make any sense? I think what you're describing is a recap, since a review is very much that person's opinion of an experience. If you take out any emotions or opinions you basically have a summary. Who the hell wants that?

Fair enough. Hopefully this panel will at least be the start of figuring out an effective manner of getting their message across (even if one disagrees with the message).

Eh that might be right—I've only been on the outskirts of it all for the most part. Perhaps they're just so annoying it feels longer than a year? I consider myself a gamer but the "journalist" side of gaming has always been a joke. I trust Penny Arcade and a few people online to give me honest reactions to

I think you meant to reply to the person above me that I was quoting. Although maybe since your answer was very short and only directed towards that one statement rather than all the points in the e-mail I quoted you were replying to me? Perhaps I should have used quotations.

What has Gamergate accomplished? What has it produced?

But people still know you're a Scientician….better be careful.

Liam Neeson is dead???? That's alarming!

Nah, it's the sissies that threaten to do something that never do. The crazies are the ones that keep quiet, and then they never dare attack a place where security or other armed people might be….this place will be perfectly safe.

I've read most of them it would just be cool to see a well-done story like that on the big screen. The comics are cool and all, but the visuals in the movies just can't be matched by that format…


Oh my God so much this. I still remember being excited by the teaser for Alien 3 implying that the Aliens had gotten to Earth (which apparently was the original idea when the teaser came out) only to suffer some pretty bad disappointment by the final product. It's been so obvious that an Earth war has been the way