The Bourne Valedictorian

Though this is surely on the slate now as an upcoming article…

That's the one where Bond was played by that piece of wood, right?

Hello—-Mystery Men???

It's my understanding that, aside from a Wolverine cameo, the old cast was done after DoFP.

Eight more days 'til Halloween, Halloween, Halloween…Eight more days 'til Halloween. Silver Shamrock!

I think the first can be attributed to the general accessiblity of information that exists now as opposed to even 20 years ago. The latter is simply the fear-mongering of both politicians and gun lobbiests…and maybe a slight by-product of the first (meaning that while fewer horrible murders may be happening now, we

Yeah—it really was a boring-ass sequel until that final 20 minutes or so when it just sails off the rails into batshit crazy land.

holy shit that might actually work.

There are actually a ton of hints that link this movie to the others. I wasn't even aware there were as many as there are until searching on Youtube—you have to be a superfan to recognize some of them. As far as I've paid attention in rewatches the "timing" works as in I've never noticed anything that would make me

I would have liked it SO much more with this ending. As it was I saw what it was going for but still found it pretty "meh".

Magneto's story really elevated First Class—-it was originally going to be a "Magneto Origins" along the line of Wolverine but somewhere along the way the studio realized that the ensemble nature of the X-Men movies played a little better.

It all sounds like a less-murdery Rob Zombie movie.

Yeah—it was fairly rote until the end, then it really blindsides you. It's funny and sort of impressive watching it again as it actually 'works' too.

Jason Lives is one of my all time favorite terrible sequels. Making him an immortal monster was really a stroke of genius and the kill scenes in that one are so crazy over the top that it might be my favorite of all the Ft13th movies.

It's my favorite as well. There were just so many great moments: The trippy Klingon blood during that amazing assination scene, Christopher Plummer chewing the scenery toe-to-toe with Shatner; the best photon torpedo scene of any of the movies ("fire"). Thank goodness, as the couple of misfires (Kim Cattral comes

Re-colons: the Re-coloning 2 was pretty good though.

If you've ever seen any of the other shows mentioned in this review or some of the others they're responsible for (Burning Love comes to mind) then you'll already have a good idea if the movie is for you or not.

This movie is every bit as good as all of those you listed. EVERY BIT.

"You can have sex with all these hookers…just as soon as you sign a few forms for me!" Do you suppose the guy actually wears a devil costume while saying that or just wears a slightly-more-subtle red suit?

That went off the rails kind of quickly huh? And you didn't even direct your comment at them….Anyway I was just going to point out that weren't these kinds of parties exactly what Brian Singer was accused of regularly attending?