
It’s a competition between hipsters who want to rip records and hipsters who have money to spend and friends to impress and have good taste. Sometimes that’s the same person!

Or, you know, it’s kind of fun.

I have boxes of vinyl in my basement that I haven’t touched since switching to CDs in the late 80s.

The resurge in vinyl is a combination of hipster pretentiousness and the continuing myth that vinyl sounds better than digital. It doesn’t. There are many other way more important factors which determine sound quality. Not least of which is the way in which the music was recorded, mixed and mastered. I’m sorry but

I wonder if this one below can do all that the Sony can.

I stole this from someone else, but it is appropriate.

I worked for several years on a IT helpdesk and got enough stories to fill several books. A couple of my favorite:

It's the topnotch acting...

The tech doesn't bother me...the forced acting creeps me out though.

oh wow! She's like part of the family! so cooool ... #saidnooneever

Well, I'm not creeped out, but I would be bothered if a year after it's release, it's found that while it only responds when you call for it, it turns out that it's always listening, and feeding data to Amazon.

Yes, just sign up on the Google Doc.

Watches like this were really hot shit in the '80s. They were so cool even James Bond wore one; it was so novel it got a closeup in Octopussy (1983). Every guy went out the next day and bought one, then hit on his secretary.

The curse of knowledge is the single best explanation of why good people write bad prose. It simply doesn't occur to the writer that her readers don't know what she knows—that they haven't mastered the argot of her guild, can't divine the missing steps that seem too obvious to mention, have no way to visualize a scene