
I’ve been fortunate enough to compose, record, mix and master music over a two decade period of my life so far and there IS merit in ALL formats.

I’m not being a ‘fence sitting’ diplomat, I’m being pragmatic.

I own hundreds of slabs of Vinyl. Some of it goes back to the late 50’s as I inherited various L.P.’S and 45

I weigh about 95 kg and tend to drink between 2 to 3 litres a day without any fuss. I find the concept of someone who weighs approx 20kg less ( 165 lbs= 74.8 kg) dying by drinking 6 litres ( I'm british and it's LITRES over here, ladies and gents) of water in one go, laughable. Who would WANT to drink 6 litres in one

It's a game of two halves, as the football pundits used to ( some still do), say in the U.K. You need a phone to make those urgent and unavoidable calls which involve confirming plans, last minute switchblade-like mind changes over dinner/cinema etc, with all and sundry. And of course not forgetting the absolute

I had the pleasure ( and the pain) of having spent in years in I.T. so I'm aware about the covert eavesdropping you're referring to. But I suspect that using this device is akin to saying 'look mate, you just let us do more and more of your thinking for you, and in return we'll just get to know you a lot

Am I the only one creeped out a little by this?

alas. Still, at least they tried. Prepare for 62 acres of... shopping centre/mall?

This is mindblowing. From the moment I saw the 'village closed to the public' sign on the gate, I felt a bit odd. And it's the sort of odd that leads to 'you whaaaa?', replete with all those extra a's at the end.

I want to see this happen. And I hope it does. There will be a hollywood script and a book in the making

You just have to write and put it out there..pure and simple. If you get 'slagged off' for it, for want of a better phrase, have the chutzpah/smarts to ask why? To add to this, not every slagging is necessarily a bad thing, so you have to use your own inner radar to shape your rheotric. If you get too encumbered with

I can't see myself with a handbag at any time of the day. And although those beans look suspiciously like one of the 10 tins I bought yesterday ( in an odd, yet effective 5 tin pack array times two), I think the beans will win out.

Now playing

Tuna, AND beans...think of the aftermath.

I was 11 when I had one of these. It was a 'silver' model ( the whole thing was actually encased in steel..ish), and because I wasn't so 'rough and tumble' back then, it lasted for about 5 years. Maybe it lasted for longer, cause I don't remember it breaking. I think I broke off from wanting to wear it, after I'd

Ive got a gameboy and a gameboy advance, and both are in mint condition. I don't own an iphone, so unless they're going to do a range for the samsung galaxy, im not in the ballpark here. A great, neat and VERY workable invention nonetheless.

Ive got a gameboy and a gameboy advance, and both are in mint condition. I don't own an iphone, so unless they're going to do a range for the samsung galaxy, im not in the ballpark here. A great, neat and VERY workable invention nonetheless.