
Ten buck says that if she even tries to homeschool them, they’ll be vaccinated and in public school in a year.

Depending on what grades they are supposed to be in, you should really fuck with her. Like if they are studying something in Math like the basics of addition, ask them if they know their times tables. If they are studying the founding of America, ask them if they know about the French/Indian War. Don’t try and blow

I know you’re joking, but it’s worth noting that she was actually vaccinated, but in her immunocompromised state, she was no match for the unvaccinated kid who made her sick.


A family acquaintance is a “champion” for the anti-vaxx movement. It pleases me so much that she’s going to have to homeschool her kids next school year. Not because she’s a good person... But because she FINALLY will have to start paying attention to her kids instead of focusing her efforts elsewhere.

Just a reminder: your insurance plan very, very likely covers adult MMR boosters totally free (thanks, Obama!).

A perfect child is a perfect accessory. They have the parental equivalent of buyer’s remorse, and trade-in value is next to nil.

Yeah, it’s incredibly ableist and offensive. My mom and sister both work with autistic kids, and they love their students and take great joy in their accomplishments.

Congratulations, anti-vaxxers. You did it! You saved her from autism!

What gets me is that the “VACCINES CAUSE AUTISMMMMM” crowd is basically saying that having a child with autism is worse than having a child who becomes deathly ill with measles (or whooping cough, or whatever) and possibly dies. How is a child with autism worse than a DEAD CHILD?


Kesha? Iggy Azalea?? Other blonde Hollywood person??? Strange how they all start morphing into one another.

God I was just thinking about this the other day. It was one of the worst fashions I’ve lived through. I didn’t look good on anybody, you were CONSTANTLY pulling your pants up, and it didn’t matter how thin you were your stomach looked bigger then it was. In addition, on a short person like me, your body looked

I’m so thankful that jeans aren’t the only casual pants option anymore. There’s no middle ground between sagging-down-your-butt low rise jeans and cleaving-you-in-half-if-you-have-a-meal high-rise jeans.

Yeah, I can make low-rise jeans work — when I’m standing up perfectly straight and sucking in my stomach. WHO WANTS TO LIVE THAT WAY.

A girl in our high school was repeatedly sent home because her low jeans were too low - shave your pubes kinda low - she never understood why.

Haha yes! I will support this, I only want to wear low rise jeans if I can also rock a full bush, preferably dyed a fun color like magenta. Like the video for “Map of Tasmania” bushes flourishing out the top of the low rise jeans, WITH crop tops for all. Otherwise I am sticking with my mid-high rise jeans!

Every single one of the side belt loops on my low rise jeans ripped off.

Before anyone gets too nostalgic and deems this a fantastic thing, REMIND YOURSELVES HOW AWFUL IT WAS. Having to hike your pants up mid-standing up because the back of them were somewhere mid ass cheek, the constant checking to see if your undies were peeking out, the inevitable 500 tugs on them per hour because those

In high school I was at a coffee shop and this really popular “hot” girl was there too. She was wearing some LOW LOW rise jeans. For some reason she raised her arms in the air, maybe to wave, anyway when she did her shirt rode up and there was a dome of pubes maybe 1/4” long. And I thought, yeah if I have to shave my