
But... how? What does that even mean? How would the 2 way mirror work with something behind it on Hallow’een? I can’t even work that out!

The mirror is apparently between the bathroom stall and the closet. So I guess on Halloween the witch-head is visible to whoever is in that stall as a prank? He sees that as a justification for having a secret observation port looking into the women’s restroom the rest of the year? I dunno.

I don’t even... I’m kind of caught between absolute disgust and being utterly impressed with the level of fucking idiocy this guy possesses. Would serve him right if the damned place ‘mysteriously’ burnt to the ground, but I’d much rather see him arrested for this kind of shit.

Has anyone contacted the authorities about this? This is obviously legal, not to mention creepy as fuck.

Always test mirrors if you're in a room with one. Put your fingernail against the glass. There should be a gap between your finger and its reflection. If there's no gap, you got a two-way mirror.

Yup, it’s illegal. Anyone wanna call in a tip for the Chicago PD?

They used to hang a witch’s head in the closet on Halloween. Okay. What does that have to do with the TWO WAY MIRROR that is clearly in line with the toilet? Oh. Nothing.

This is some crazy ass-hat-ery right here.

I was all ready to protest in righteous indignation, but after reading his hypnotic dialogue I have an urge to fly to Chicago and buy chicken wings from him.

What. The. Ever. Lasting. Holy. Mother. Of. Sweet. Baby. Jesus.

“Do you know how much joy that mirror has brought to us?”

Who is Jezebel?!

SURPRISE! He’s an asshole!

One girl said she wanted to pull her pants down and show her clitoris to me, and they all came and ate the wings.

What the shit. Was he on drugs? Also isn’t this two-way mirror thing illegal or something? Watching someone pee (without their consent) has to be illegal, right?

It figures that the living embodiment of ‘cocaine logic’ would be really into mirrors.

Sadly I don’t even think that question would be fine-enough sieve. It shocks me how casually a lot of my friends have hinted that people in relationships should have sex with their partners even if they don’t really want to have sex, to keep the partner happy.

“Are there any circumstances in which someone is obligated to have sex with you?” is the other one.

WOW that is a red flag exposing question if I’ve ever seen one.

There’s an OKCupid question along the lines of, “Would you grope an attractive stranger on a crowded subway train? In this scenario, the person wouldn’t know that you had groped them or that they had even been groped at all.”

Answers to that question make for an excellent way of immediately disqualifying certain