
Let’s hope he was raped repeatedly like he wanted. He was clearly asking for it.

Needs more stars.

Because they had to think of it and go to the trouble of having it manufactured (by some willing third party, mind you) and the marketing it. It’s a lot of trouble to go through to be a total fucking dirtbag.

What fraternity is this shirt from?

*parade des douches to be exact.

Somehow, I feel that someone selling it is worse than someone wearing it. I can’t explain why.

And they tumble that port-a-potty down a damn hill! Douchebag.

Not quite paleo...maybe more Visigoth.

Proper response: serial Port-O-John swirlies

This man is what public shaming was made for.

Not only is this motherfucker wearing that shirt, but someone is selling that shirt.

Crooked hat? Punchable face? Deuces sign post 2005? Rape shirt? Fucking humanity

Fuck this dude. I hope he gets locked in a port-a-potty for the duration of his Coachella experience.

I’d like to (however wishfully) think that security would escort him out for such an offensive shirt. Presumably that’s not the case, so instead I’ll just hope that his boss manages to see this and Monday he won’t have a job.

I am going to repeat my last comment about the little known fact that Coachella is French for: Douche Parade.

Looks like someone working Coachella forgot to take the trash out.

I love the internet. I love the fact that everyone’s got a camera on them that can send pics to any other camera in the world. But for most of human history, the tiny handful of complete dipshits would basically fly under the radar. People would see them, role or avert their eyes, and then try to forget them. Now they