
Take that, Bjork!!!!

YESSSS. I was looking for this thread. When I found out I was pregnant, my now-husband and I had been together for five years and had been engaged for about five months. My period came like clockwork and then one day, it didn’t. I took the test and fell. apart. I called my husband and he came home right away. I called

Amen to all of this! I hate being pregnant. I still feel weird when people say “congratulations!” because even though this was/is a planned child I still don’t feel like I accomplished anything merely by giving birth. It’s amazing how much we shower pregnant women with praise for being pregnant but once you have a

This. When I found out I was pregnant I cried in the bathtub for two hours while chain smoking, then texted my husband “if you’re ready to have your life ruined, you’d better come in here.” #dramatic

Funnily enough, our family has a lot of “premature” babies that clocked in at 8 or 9 pounds when born. Gotta love the Catholics and their dedication to the lie that they didn’t bone before they got married and then quickie married before the lady started showing.

We really need to work on the stigma that you HAVE to be excited. My sister found out last month that she was pregnant and her reaction, along with her husband’s, was pretty much the above and that wasa mixture of feeling scared and the realization that you will be responsible for a tiny human.

As soon as I was able to understand the concept of pregnancy? My parents never thought it was slightest bit odd that they didn’t think “ make-a-bebe!”* each time they had sex, so,I always knew I was absolutely unplanned. The story I’ve heard since I was around three: They assumed and accepted that, after not trying to

Don’t film this shit people, no one cares.

And filming it, too, no less.

Oh look, your father just shit a brick here in this video because he was only making $6.15 an hour when we found out we were pregnant and I’d just been laid off. Plus, we were living right above a dildo factory.

Pissing contest: the way you found put you were unplanned!

What a dick way to announce that you’re pregnant to your SO. Jesus, poor guy. I have panic dreams where I find out I’m pregnant, and I wake up really upset about it.

Our daughter was born via surrogate. There was no way in the world for her to be more wanted or planned. But when we got the news, we looked at each other and said, “Holy shit. We did it! Oh, god. What have we done?”

This is exactly like my family...spread out evenly and then SURPRISE! about a decade and nine months after my dad came back from a business trip. AUGH.

In my family, we have my older brother, my sister, and me spread out pretty evenly...then my younger brother several years later. All of us have pretty much acknowledged how, exactly, he came to be. We just refuse to talk about it.

The first time I got pregnant we were so excited, and so happy and so just delirious. We talked about it constantly. We had only just pulled the goalie and it happened right away. Amazing! I miscarried at 9 weeks.

Because if I have to acknowledge the likelihood that my parents had sex, it’s at least better to assume it was dutiful and joyless and only happened the once.

See? If she continues to stay off twitter and just makes more goddamn music all will be well. Boss.