
"Practises including wearing half-thongs to the beach."

I clicked expecting pictures.

That's because the physiques in 300 are strong, not purely decorative. They are also somewhat more attainable because they rely less on genetics. A man can put in a fuck ton of effort to become defined and muscular, but most women would need surgery to look like Jessica Rabbit, and in the end they will not have gained

I don't know about that. They do have the healthy glow of a pretty high-fiber diet.

Yeah, but not dancing makes you a target for negs. "You know you might be pretty if you smiled. Why are you folding your arms? It makes you look unapproachable". These are actual things that have been said to me, which is partly why I don't ever go to clubs any more. Sorry if you were ever harassed by women, that's

I love Jezebel for this very reason. If Jezebel were 100% "anti-objectification" or 100% "eye-candy," I would find it less interesting. Any site that just preaches to the choir bores me pretty quickly. I like being challenged by viewpoints I don't necesarily agree with!

I would but I might be too distracted by unfamiliar dicks grinding against my ass. Clubs are terrible places, filled with terrible people generally.

Really? I thought it was much more difficult for women to lose weight. Biologically, their bodies want to hold on it. Fucking reproductive system, messing with your bikini body.

That's the thing with us guys. We love being objectified, because it's almost always in a controlled situation.

I know I've mentioned before that my bf started lifting when he was a teen. He said it was a way for him to get some control over his body during puberty. People already assume he wants to attract attention. He gets a lot of unwanted attention and people try to rub his chest. If he was a woman so many would sympathize

Yup, this erases every instance of harassment and intimidation done towards women throughout all history because one time a lady looked a dude's butt and thought, "damn". Guise, we did it. Sexism is over. Go out and slap some random dudes balls to celebrate. Equality!

I was surprised they didn't have buff dude pics, but then I remembered how much everyone would whine and hand wring.

Uh, tattoos and beards look good on all body types, not just the super chiseled ones. Has this dude never heard of the magnificent phenomenon known as bears?

yes, but women are more disadvantaged by being overweight than men. if a guy is funny and confident, girls will totally overlook what he looks like.

Plenty of girls prefer the skinny look. I think the only body type that is consistently disadvantaged in the dating market is the significantly overweight.

I really don't know why people are so surprised about this. Jezebel is a blog that wants to be kind of a trashy gossip blog, but also with a feminist slant. Because you see, writing about Bell Hooks or racial issues isn't what brings home the bacon for a website, it's the fashion and gossip and the male/female eye

Here's a word Mark Simpson: linguidiocy.

No pictures? Somehow I'm disappointed.

Is there an English language version of this article available?

This whole objectification of the male body isn't new. What is new is that the common hottie doesn't need to pose for a painter but instead capture yourself so it can make the rounds on the gay Tumblr blogs.