
This all goes to the Gilligan rule, where if you try to figure out ANYTHING about Gilligan's island, the whole show unravels, so you just gotta roll with it.

Yeah, but it's weird, because for my entire young life, things were continually getting more progressive and liberal, but around the time of Reagan, that stopped, and in a LOT of ways, the country is more conservative in attitude, if not particulars, now.

The easy fix would have been putting Dany at Eastwatch…hindsight. 20/20.

I'm sort of black or white when comes to cheatering. If you're gonna get around, don't get married…my comment was just to say that he's not wrong in saying that. That WAS his reality, not some misogynist dream or whatev. I've seen it.

Motherfucker gives the ladies Spike, Angel and a buckass naked young Nathan Fillion, so I always thought of him as a pretty equal opportunity ogler.

Meh. I don't think anybody who was a feminist before 2017 is probably a good enough feminist for the feminists of 2017. My own dear mum was an avowed second wave feminist ( She had a button on her purse that said:"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle"), and many of her views would seem regressive by today's

I dunno. Is she banging hot, young, desperate people?

Meh. I live in Hollywood, and it's really like that. Being a producer is like suddenly being Mick Jagger. When he was young. It is what it is.

Hey guys, the site works pretty good…so let's change it.

I thought it was a smile on a dog…maybe that's something else.

There was this great captain America story in the sixties about a giant Nazi robot that had been sleeping for 20 years, then reanimated…in three parts that joined together to make THE ULTIMATE NAZI ROBOT:

Just like Donald "I need all the facts" Trump tweeted about Pershing today.


Bush 1 was magnificently dull, too, even with Desert Storm.

I have found myself thinking back fondly to when we just had sort of boring presidents…


He also gave us Adolf Hitler as the ultimate klan member in the Hate Monger…so equating the klan and Nazis decades before now.

Oh fuck off. This can't be real.

The National Trust released a fairly elegant statement on this, separating Confederate statues that were put up by grieving people after the war from ones put up a generation later as propoganda:

"it's a beautiful hat."