
True. Let me correct that.

Oooo! They could cut tunnels through them and make a confederate miniature golf course! Maybe strap a windmill to Jefferson Davis to make it more difficult!

Yah. There is a difference between remembering and GLORIFYING.

The South seceded. It considered itself a sovereign nation…these statues of confederate soldiers in confederate uniforms are essentially of a foreign belligerent force in foreign army uniforms…"The Union" had another name, and that is the United States of America. The confederates fought against the USA.

Who doesn't?

Yeah…are they hypercondensing the story also? That was a long time later in the books…

Huh. First I've heard…it's being reported all over that it says "Fuck law", but to me it looks like it says:"Fuck Islam". Anybody else see that?

I don't know. They haven't made it clear whether it has to be consciously done, or if people who die up north just sort of come back…

Okay, wait. I got it. The kid dies and Qyburn reanimates it as a monster, which Cersi sees as her little baby and it, I don't know, chokes her while she is trying to breast feed it as Jamie looks on in horror.

It's a…metaphor?

If you live in the GOT world, at this point it is 100% that you will be in mourning for SOMEBODY.

Well, I'm not a character on the show, but I wrote this in the comments two weeks ago:

Yeah, but what if she follows in her mom's footprints by dying delivering…THE YOUNGER BROTHER????

It's actually Littlefinger, Varys and Tyrion trying to raise Cersi's baby after this is all over.

Right? Like there's no:"Dirty Harry and birth of the Fascist police state" article.

I'm not saying I did not see them, I am saying that the article on that movie was not presented as some sort of politicized thang. It was:"John Rambo makes his dramatic entrance in First Blood". Hardly the sensationalist click bait of today's piece.

The only strange part is that I've been following this whole series, and I think this is about the only entry where it turned into some sort of political subtext think piece.

I think it was George Bernard Shaw who said: "Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do should SELL ME A FUCKING HOT DOG."

Ooooh! Can it be the X-Men guy? The Bryan-who-isn't-the-Hannibal-guy?