
Religion is a smile on a dog.

Yes, but not anywhere near as cool or emotional as Ian Gillan's vocal on Gethsemane.

Well, first gen is just the boy, soi they marry him off. By then, they probably figured it out to have more kids so they could interbreed them. Perhaps 1st gen Jesus Jr. impregnated 20 women, then those kids all interbred, then their children interbred, etc.

Maybe. Yes. No. I dunno. I was very lean and thin in a rocker way, but not, like, a gym guy.

What, than I was at 24?

Spoken like a drummer.

I chafe a lot more than I did when I was 24.

Followed by those atmospheric pads on the D50…but that was more of a nineties percursor, I suppose…

He has.

Uuuuuuuuugh. Because people are imperfect idiots and nobody put 2+2 together in the moment. THEN THEY THREW ROCKS AT ZOMBIES AND PROBABLY TALKED ABOUT COCK SOME MORE.

I'll give you two Bret Michaels. And death.

Chorused bass, for sure. I don't know who's idea that was…but it wasn't good.

Or just get an SPX90.

You are the worst.

Stop. Just. Stop.

Meh. I just meant that things were continuously moving towards a more open, inclusive society with more rights and freedom and less hangups about shit in general up until about Reagan.

I had to learn Should I Stay or Should I go by the Clash recently and was appalled at what a shitty '80's production it was…that snare is almost like on Def Leppard's Hysteria. Giant, gated and ~awful~

Ugh. To me, gated snare and gated reverb in general was the end of good sounding records. I HATE the typical eighties sound, usually referring to a recording made then as "eighties damaged".

Wow! End of an era, indeed.