
All we need is a hot Eastern block girl to seduce him and act as his handler…

Seems like WW2 would make more sense…and if they REALLY wanted to make a fucking movie, put her in Viet Nam looking for Ares.

Two words: Encino WOman.

I thought it was lame that the word of god can be defeated by Billy Joel.

Supposedly. We didn't see a goddam body.

Well if you want to be racist about it…


So much here. Blac Chyna. Revenge porn. “Now I’m going to get back to co-parenting Dream.”

Oh. Well then, fuck off MCU.

Just googled her. I think it is about the way she keeps THE GIRLS front and center.

This is not the correct answer. Shannon Purser is the correct answer.

She's the vagina of the team. The Atom is the penis. Booster, the appendix. Aquaman is their vestigial tail.

I don't understand why they don't just give the keys to the whole thing to Bruce Timm .

Guy and Kilowog!

Yeah, but that drone needs to fuck off.

Right at the top of the movie tho, there is a cue that is a symphonic version of the whole: "Spiderman, spideman, does whatever a spider can" bit.

I dunno. I saw the first, didn't go to the theater for the second, and was actually pissed about paying to see the third.

Yes, but the samples and coffee are free.

Johnson's right though. That thing should have sunk 5 seconds after it got damaged.

You need to go to Trader Joe's. The samples are great, AND they have coffee.