
Acrobat is dead?

I think he rejected the new suit and Avengers position because he *finally* had the realization that he really could use some seasoning and wasn't ready to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with people as experienced as the other Avengers.

Like, calm thinking won out over his youthful overconfidence and exuberance…which is

Riggght? Or why doesn't he just give a bunch of schlubs Iron Man suits and get rid of the other Avengers? Or just upgrade everybody to Iron Man specs…I mean, what are they gaining from Hawkeye that they wouldn't have 10 times over if he just wore one of the spare Iron Man suits? "Oh what, I could shoot lasers and fly

They could have just shown that through acting. You should see it on his face.

I think part of it was Keaton, but also that the Vulture was written as a supremely competent man who really knew his shit, instead of the usual nefarious off-kilter fool.

I thought that using the melodic theme from the sixties tv show was genius, and it made it one of the few Marvel movies with a theme that you remember…

Oh come on. Dr. Bong? It's not like he used Truman Capoultry.

It took me a second to realize what was happening. I was all like:"Oh noes! It's a trap! The vulture lured him into a trap!" then I was like:"Oh shit. He's her dad."

The term "Shocker gauntlet" makes me uncomfortable because of "the Shocker's" OTHER meaning.

Liked the movie. Could have done without the super techy armor/suit. Too much of that shit in superhero movies these days. Can't anyone just be a person who is extraordinary without a goddam sentient AI driven toybox?

I didn't think that the happy ending of "Lex the Impaler vs Belladonna" felt earned, and the line reading of "I love it when you come on my face" after the third ATM scene just seemed full of "ohhh…this isn't going to work in the long run".

Ugh. Don't people know that if they just keep it to anal that doesn't happen?

MEh. Too good.

Nothing to add. It was an amazing show.


Still Bourne

He has a clause in his contract that he doesn't have to be in any movies with Morgan Freeman.

As long as they don't go giving him Scleras, I'm allright with it.


I went to comicon a few times, starting in the nineties, ending in the mid 2000's.