
Mentors records for EVERYBODY! YAY!

"Band whose logo is a penis offends woman."

Don Draper is spinning in his grave.


Right? Shit was weird in pre-Trump America.

I think it is more to the point that he would be seen dating MADONNA.

Then they should have gone with an Ethel Merman sound.

There really is no wrong way anymore.

Xmas?? Who the fuck is X? It is baby Jesus day!

No, no. You don't want to do that either because that anthropomorphic paper clip thing hunts you down and gives you tips until you kill yourself.

It's basically the movie Avengers, but it came out in 2003.

You read the Ultimates? The Thor and cap in that are spot-on the movie ones.

They just give him all the best scenes…like the one where the butler brings him an armadillo to fuck, or the :"WANT SOME CHOCOLATE?" one or the one where he asks Demi Moore if he will have the pleasure of urinating into her cleavage, or the one where he parks his bike in the dude's ass…I still chuckle about those, and

Imma just bring Marvel in because they are the first comic movies to really cast well and just show you the goddamn goods.

They seem to have gone for the wrong faces all the way around. I still miss the long gaunt Jesse Custer mug from the comics, and the Saint of Killers just ain't right either.

Starr has the wrong face.

SPOILER: It's mainly about dipping sauces.

It's just::"Jesus' balls".

I'm starting a food magazine called Penis.

How does a nipple slouch?