
Ugh. Fry's is all the way out in the valley, and there are, like, 4 Radio Shacks closer!

If they go away, I'm going to miss them. There is nothing else…

Luke Skywalker and the girl who does sleeves wrong.


Okay. Go ahead. Unless you're lazy…

Okely doke.


Pedophilia aside…I'm over 40, and if kids I didn't know wanted to sleep in the bed with me, I'd be completely creeped out.

Hey man, it takes all types. I'll use the same bathroom as you no matter what Mr. Trump says.

I mime a lot of violence…I mean, honestly. From pulling my GF's head off,(with a *pop* sound…it's a joke between the two of us from when she made me watch the last Twilight movie, where they keep pulling people's heads off), to mime-fisting to mime-pulling out somebody's beating heart and stomping on it to mime

Not as happy as the Californians.

Remember everybody: never do a single fucking thing in your life that isn't completely tasteful, even in your private moments.

Rule of thumb: Anything he did pre-'75 was golden…that's 11 damned good albums between 1968 and 1975…12, if you include the live Faces record.

Mike Pence: Vice president, former governor, AOL email user, closeted homosexual, Race Bannon cosplayer.

I had a weird dream the other night about California seceding, then reconquering the rest of the country, eventually destroying "America" and replacing it with a new progressive capitalist/socialist/democratic hybrid more in tune with other developed nations that actually work for their citizens in the 21st century.

Who's Pam?

There's one that started in 2019, but it got cancelled a few months ago.

I thought that thing where Darth Vader used a death star widow for political advantage was really grotesque…I mean, he ordered her husband to his death in a botched mission…

Imma just say…Jon Ossoff 2024!
