
Children on playgrounds speak of intellect. Adults know how stupid they are.

I can't deal with izombie because I read the ludicrously superior comic book.

To me it is part and parcel of the deep problem in this country, that being people who have no sense of humor and cannot recognize and dismiss something that is utterly absurd when they see it.

I dunno, man. It's like, I would never normally joke about a guy having one nut, but if it's Hitler, I mean, GAME ON, ya know?

Oooh! I could use a squirtle!

Oooh! I could use a squirtle!

I find it REALLY creepy for anyone who is either over 12 or not in a porn to be sitting like that. Thats some serious Baby Jane style infantalism there.

Except for that is a thing that grown-assed people do, while kneeling in a couch like a spunky tween IS NOT.

"Never, in the face of white military leaders would Kellyanne Conway be on the couch, shoes off, on her knees."


Your an odyne.

I'm not sure, but this headline MAY show bias.

Which is kind of funny, because Ford could legitimately blame the nation's woes on his predecessor…but didn't. I guess it's about character.

False flag! Soon they'll be rounding themselves up!

Has there ever been a republican administration that accepted responsibility for its own actions?

Mads Mikkelsen's was.

I'm cooler than you. I saw the first tour at the Palladium, and I was right up front.

Why would he bomb his own White House?

And Jeff Rogers is perfect for you. Perfectly humorless and bland.

I honestly just think part of it is having somebody show you around, because there is a LOT you could miss. Not so much about getting you into secret places, though supposedly we did go some places the public isn't allowed.