
Does it bug anybody else that every planet is ONE thing? like, Ice, desert, jungle…

You mean like they did earlier in the movie?

I just felt like the multiple uses of the Death Star cheapens it. It goes from being something like a nuke that is so horrific, that even though you have it, YOU NEVER USE, but then you do…ONCE, to being some goddamned thing they use to swat flies.

Shhhh…they still have idiots asking where Jar Jar is in the original trilogy.

Like all of the James Bond movies? Because those are sweet.

I was 9 when the first movie came out, so for 3 years, all anybody knew was that Vader was a mysterious badass. When he was all scarred and shit in Empire with his helmet off, it was a serious :"Whut whut???"

Yeah, but there was really no REASON for any of them to die at all, except to tie up lose ends for EP 4, which is just cheap and lazy.

Yeah. I always pictured him like an admiral or whatever, living on his ship.

I would rather see the armor being a badge of honor that he claims for himself…something he CHOOSES that instills fear and respect, like the crown and cape of a king mixed with the armor of a feudal lord…and the source of many an awestruck whisper and rumor…"Why doesn't he ever take that helmet off? Who IS he? I heard

I HATED all the FAMILY shit with her. I wished SO MUCH that the beginning of the movie would have just been the rebel council calling her in and going:"We have a mission for you. There is a 99% chance you will not survive" and her going: "Thanks for telling me the odds. When do I leave?" like some bad-ass space James

"One thing Rogue One had in spades was great design. The Force Awakens, too"

It's certainly better than anything Lucas wrote…

2016 claims another.

Yes. "This boy is full of Billy Corgans. He will be big with the wish power".

Mini corgians?

To all of you wondering about how this came to be and not capable of googling:

You are obviously not yet at full cock.

Because he had all of the midi cloroxes!

Same thing.

Because you are gay?