
I need her to win so my "make America great again" hat goes back to just being funny.

So, you're saying you're gay?

Those 64+ people are heroes, man. Heroes.

Was anybody else watching the game sort of wincing every time you saw a Cleveland Indians logo and making bets with people around them on when (not if) they are going to change that goddamned thing?

I STILL occasionally just go: "Donald Trump is RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT." The words make no sense together. Like, if it was in a comedy, it would be unbelievable.


Nobody much mentions Matthew Broderick killing a person either…but if he had gone off on a racist tirade, it would be all bye-bye Ferris.

Me lazy pricks?

Locker room talk.

Young is a sliding scale. At 50, 35 seems like childhood. At 70, you long for the glory days when you were 50. It is the way of things.

Nice of you to make it over to the AV Club, Mr. Trump…

Yah. That shit has leapfrogged murder on the scale of shit that can never be forgiven. You're pretty much fine shooting a person (or, bizarrely with celebrities, running somebody over in your car) but use the N word, and you are pretty much fucked for life.

Meh. I'm not full veggie, but cut out MAMMAL about 18 years ago. It's just a personal "animals are cute so I don't want them living lives of shit and then dying so I can go BACON! MURICA!"

…tigers are a real panty-dropper.

Explosive diarrhea is always good for a laugh.

Jeez…I was almost done with this show, but this episode was downright charming. Personally, I wish they would just stay here and never show Rick or Negan again.

Right? Like the one where all of the protagonists were in the same room?

The glaring omission seems to be the various series of funny MONSTER TRADING cards that were popular from the fifties on through to the eighties.

~too soon~

That would totally tip me into viewing it.