
Yeah. I read all of the reviews one after the other, and I was like:"Okay, okay. We get it. Just let it go, man. Walk it off."

Right? Wagner Moura is so good at infusing Pablo with humanity, you find yourself sort of hoping everything is going to be okay for him, even after he murders his 19,000th person*

Great pedal.

"Geoff John's revealed today that Joe Manganielo Wil be playing Manu Bennett in Ben Affleck's Batman…."

…and thus, one of the most annoying voices ever recorded returns to pop music.

They keep going like this and I will. Start sending them my shit. In boxes.

I have these hour-long recordings of sixties and seventies radio (Airchecks, if you want to look them up. Archive.org has a bunch) and the jingles come on, and they are so good, you don't know they are commercials…they just sound like a good rock song or soul (whatever the station's format) and then at the end, have a

I switched to Android, so it's not going to be a problem for me anyway…the deal breakers happened earlier, mainly centered around Itunes and the bullshit of syncing things, cloud shit and Apple trying to force crap I DID NOT WANT on me.

No, this is bullshit. I have never broken a jack on any of my phones…and, being a musician, I frequently use the jack as a line-out so I can play things in rehearsal or use it as a jack for an external microphone.

Depends on where you keep them.

What, no Blue Beetle bromance?

Well, it's a valuable service…regardless of whether a show gets reviewed as good or bad, a lot of the time, I only know it exists because I see it in the TV reviews here…


So, is there just no money in TV/Movie/Music/book reveiws?


Oh god. tell me Sava will be writing food articles!

Now you're not even speaking English, monkey.

Oh great.

What does that even mean? Avengers was one of the most ambitious things ever attempted, much less pulled off.

Meh. There are no proper Marvel movies (NOT Sony or Fox) that I am mad at.