Erik Bee

I doubt Toyota’s actually doing this......most likely just bait for competitors......Something we’d expect from China or N. Korea, but a bit surprising to see from Toyota. Pretty silly. Or this could be the opening shots in a long awaited revenge for WWII........either way.

I use a mastercard. (Yay Colorado!!!) <runs away ducking>

Wickedly written and astute article.......on the topic of acceptace (un-dead atheist 7 years give or take since I dropped the book completely) I've swung the typical arc of really loathing and despising all things religion to coming to a more mellow place which seems to elude a lot of my likeminded peeps and I just

Errr, aren't "clothes" basic "worker's rights" at most jobs? So ummmm, that'll be a firm "Nope" I would think.....They may, interestingly enough, be able to corner a piece of the market on "the right to bounce and jiggle all over the place" though which can be pretty darn fun, too......

What are we, Scotsmen?...

"And this is for when I feel like you've been drinking too much, sweetheart..."

#5- Pretend you're still sleeping and don't notice, then start mumbling the pledge of allegiance like you're sleep talking but get more and more overtly sexual about it as they approach climax......then right as she's cumming break into some James Brown. It's all about the assist......

Once I got over feeling sorry for the poor malnourished robot being forced to do its dancing bear routine for Comrade Putin, I then noticed what appears to be a forklift (?) burning in the snow behind the spray painted racetrack assumedly to provide warmth, lighting, or just black smoke for everyone's lungs to

Hahahahah AWESOME!!!!! and h/t......bummer what a pansy the guy holding the camera was, I'd like to have caught the parts where he was vomiting uncontrollably and couldn't hold the camera straight.

Give him a chainsaw and put him in a phone booth with George Zimmerman. Then we'll know.

If we're only reaching high enough to clear "Long Live Purity" then I'd like to suggest "Snakes From a Butthole".......if you want anything fancy I can come back later.....

Dads will buy these by the truckload for their daughters

There needs to be a reality show punishment for bad celebs where we all get to text in with votes to taze the contestants while they sing and pick up trash on the highway. Then they'd behave.

At the risk of being eaten alive on the interweb I think the bearing it (her occupation) has on the story comes from the fact that these are (relatively) famous people and if not for that fact, this situation wouldn't be reported about or digested publicly at all. Maybe 30 seconds on a local channel or two......and

Oh, sure they sound great. They also add complexity and weight.